MENZSHED, Hastings.

Community Organisation

MENZSHED, Hastings.
707 Sylvan Road
Hastings 4122
1892 days ago


Ric Coleman from MENZSHED, Hastings.

Yes,we've moved. Follow these instructions. Turn into Kenilworth Rd. Go into the A&P Showgrounds: Gate 2. Drive up the main exhibition hall building and turn right. MENZSHED is about 200 metres on the right. Ask for Robbie.

1917 days ago

Thank-You from MENZSHED, Hastings.

Ric Coleman from MENZSHED, Hastings.

Thankyou Hastings. My family have built MENZSHED at the A&P Showgrounds. Kenilworth Road. The NEW Menzshed will be open in the New Year. Please use it after I'm gone. Thanks for your support during 2019. RIC Coleman. Ex Charman. 2017 - 2019

1985 days ago

MENZSHED, Hastings. Container. and Building

Ric Coleman from MENZSHED, Hastings.

After being in the chair for just over 18 months now, and being digagnosed with Terminal cANCER, I have to hand over to Robbie: 06 875 0931 and the rest of the team. Same support, and quality of work. Thank-you everyone for your support

2016 days ago

Change of Management

Ric Coleman from MENZSHED, Hastings.

Hi All. The guys gave me a great good-bye BBQ today, and I was humbled. Robbie is taking over, so give him the support you've given me, which has been overwhelming. (Robbie: 875 0931). Check my give a little page: cANCER:TERMINAL I intend to see the south island or die (sorry, my sense of … View moreHi All. The guys gave me a great good-bye BBQ today, and I was humbled. Robbie is taking over, so give him the support you've given me, which has been overwhelming. (Robbie: 875 0931). Check my give a little page: cANCER:TERMINAL I intend to see the south island or die (sorry, my sense of humour) in the process. Problems? Contact Menzshed. And yes, we have female members. Thank you Hastings. Ric

2020 days ago

Menzshed. Hastings Inc.

Ric Coleman from MENZSHED, Hastings.

Hi All. Took some photo's today, and this is an aerial view of our workshops. We work for the community, and can only carry out work in our workshops. Someone told you it's broken? Try Menzshed, at the A&P Showgrounds. Follow the signs from Kenilworth Road. 9 - 12, Mon, Tues, Weds.
