Tawa Lions Club

Community Organisation

Tawa Lions Club
Meeting Location: Linden Social Centre
10 Linden Ave
1st and 3rd Wednesdays 6:00pm to 8:30pm

Lions are ordinary people from all walks of life who enjoy getting together and doing good things.We are kind and generous people who want to help. That's why we work on projects to improve our communities and protect the environment. We get enormous satisfaction from the knowledge that what we do DOES make a difference. And we enjoy friendship and fun while doing so.

Whenever Lions club members get together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. Because we help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world – with unmatched integrity and energy. Lions Club of Tawa is part of a global organisation with 1.4 million members in 208 countries and geographic regions. With this much manpower, it's no wonder that Lions Club members can achieve extraordinary things, every day.

We welcome new members to Tawa Lions.  We are a mixed gender membership and encourage partners and family members to enjoy the fellowship and community fulfillment that Lions membership delivers.

People who wish to participate and contribute their time and skills to various Tawa Community Projects (Christmas Parade, weekly Lions Market etc) should contact us and discuss membership with Tawa Lions and enjoy being part of the worlds largest service organisation.

Contact email: tawalions@lionsclubs.org.nz