John Gillon - Kaipatiki Local Board

Community Organisation

I am an elected member and Chairperson of the Kaipātiki Local Board and part of the Shore Action team, doing my best to keep you informed of local issues and events.

I was first elected to the Glenfield Community Board from 2007-2010, under North Shore City Council.
In 2010 North Shore was amalgamated into Auckland Council, and I was elected to the inaugural Kaipātiki Local Board as an independent.
In 2013 I was re-elected to the Kaipātiki Local Board as part of the Team of Independents, along with Grant Gillon and Lorene Pigg.
In 2016 I was re-elected as part of the Shore Action team, alongside Paula Gillon, Anne-Elise Smithson and Adrian Tyler. I was appointed Deputy Chair for the first half of the term, and Chair for the second half (alternating positions with Danielle Grant).

I am devoted to our community and the North Shore way of life. I was born and raised on the Shore and live locally with my young family.
I have championed many playground, track and signage upgrades; achieved various roading and walkway safety improvements; installed the Manuka Reserve dog park; saved the Highbury Norfolk pine; blew the whistle on many controversial decisions, budget blow-outs and public land sales.
I support completing a walking/cycling route around the Kaipātiki coastline; shadesails over playgrounds; expanding placemaking initiatives; improving public transport routes; protecting heritage areas and natural environment; increasing community input into decisions; and an end to closed-door, secret meetings.

Positions held

  • Chair, Kaipātiki Local Board (Mar 2018-present)
  • Deputy Chair, Kaipātiki Local Board (Nov 2016-Feb 2018)
  • Elected Member, Kaipātiki Local Board (2010-present)
  • Chair, Glenfield Community Board (2008-2010)
  • Elected Member, Glenfield Community Board (2007-2010)
  • Chair, Bayview Community Centre (2012-2014)
  • Local Board Parks and Libraries Portfolio Holder (2010-2016)
  • Local Board Rep, Glenfield Community Centre Governance Group (2007-2016)
  • Local Board Rep, Kauri Point Centennial Park and Chatswood Reserve management Committee (2013-2016)
  • Local Board Rep, Northcote Town Centre Business Association (2010-2013)

Other roles

Professional work

  • Technical writer, specialising in software and hardware user documentation (AuthorIT, Madcap Flare)
  • Website designer (PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML)
  • Software tester

NOTE: The views on this page are my own, and not necessarily the view of the Kaipatiki Local Board.