Global Network Support Charitable Trust

Community Organisation

Global Network Support Charitable Trust
24 Winger Crescent
Kamo Whangarei
2041 days ago

Beginning the “Lunches in Schools” Project

Angela Sothern from Global Network Support Charitable Trust

Hi Readers. We will be beginning the “Lunches in Schools” Project in September. We’ll be preparing and delivering free lunches to children in low decile schools who regularly arrive at school without lunch. Funds for these lunches will come from the sale of second-hand adult clothes and shoes… View moreHi Readers. We will be beginning the “Lunches in Schools” Project in September. We’ll be preparing and delivering free lunches to children in low decile schools who regularly arrive at school without lunch. Funds for these lunches will come from the sale of second-hand adult clothes and shoes from our Charity Shop, opening next Thursday (29th) at 24 John Street – hours 11am-3pm, Mon-Fri.

If any in this group has retail experience and can volunteer 4 hours, one day a week, it would be really great to hear from you.
Angela Sothern
Global Network Support Charity-

2175 days ago

Who cares about reducing Child Poverty in Whangarei

Angela Sothern from Global Network Support Charitable Trust

I am keen to hear from viewers who care about effective solutions to reducing Child Poverty in Whangarei.
I welcome your questions.

2210 days ago

Volunteers needed for our campaign to feed hot lunches to children in low decile schools in Whangarei.

Angela Sothern from Global Network Support Charitable Trust

Hi Readers. We are looking for 300 volunteers to be part of a unique fundraising strategy, called the Global Loyalty-Rewards Fundraiser. This fundraiser will result in our charity preparing and delivering hot lunches to children in low decile schools in Whangarei.
To note: The Global … View more
Hi Readers. We are looking for 300 volunteers to be part of a unique fundraising strategy, called the Global Loyalty-Rewards Fundraiser. This fundraiser will result in our charity preparing and delivering hot lunches to children in low decile schools in Whangarei.
To note: The Global Loyalty-Rewards Fundraiser is not a donation-based fundraiser, rather, it is a membership fee-based fundraiser.

Volunteers will be part of a coordinated effort, where they will deliver a written appeal to businesses in the retail, commercial and industrial areas of Whangarei. The appeal asks businesses if they would give a
5-10% discount, or a special offer (loyalty-rewards) to the people who fund the hot lunches project. Businesses thereby become the 'rewarders' in this loyalty-rewards fundraiser. These businesses are known as Supporter Businesses... they receive permanent, free advertising space on our charity website, with absolutely no fees to pay, to advertise their business and their support of our charity.
We will also be taking up a phone campaign, to reach all businesses listed in the Northland Yellow Pages Directory. Our aim is to reach all businesses in Whangarei, to ask them to become Supporter Businesses (conditions/vetting standards apply).
With a collective, coordinated effort, we hope to build a large directory of Supporter Businesses on our charity website. If we can get hundreds of Whangarei businesses registered on our charity website, offering discounts and special offers, this will attract the people who fund the children's hot lunches.
These funders are called Network Members. Thees members will be happy to pay the annual membership fee of $195, because they will be able to receive back the value of that membership fee in discounts and special offers (loyalty-rewards) offered by Supporter Businesses.

Reader, can you give three hours of your time to help us reach businesses? If you can, please know that you will be a valued part of a collective effort in support of our 'Hot Lunches in Schools' Project.

Thank you for reading. I welcome your questions.
Please email me at
