Fountain City Country Music Club

Community Organisation

Fountain City Country Music Club
Rostrevor Street
1890 days ago

Fountain City Country Music Club Open Day

Glenda Pepper from Fountain City Country Music Club

This Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 12:30 pm until approximately 4:30 pm, we are having our Open Day and all are welcome to attend. Our concert will be at the Hamilton Combined Returned Services Club in Rostrevor Street, and the cost for the afternoon is $4. Be entertained by a variety of singers. Drinks … View moreThis Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 12:30 pm until approximately 4:30 pm, we are having our Open Day and all are welcome to attend. Our concert will be at the Hamilton Combined Returned Services Club in Rostrevor Street, and the cost for the afternoon is $4. Be entertained by a variety of singers. Drinks and food available for purchase.
