Age Concern Napier

Community Organisation

Age Concern Napier
98 Taradale Road
Napier 4110
2264 days ago

Accredited Visiting Service Hawkes Bay

Morag Hill from Age Concern Napier

AGE CONCERN NAPIER is looking to recruit volunteer visitors for their Accredited Home Visiting Service (AVS) throughout the Hawkes Bay region. This is a befriending service for people over the age of 65, and is aimed at reducing social isolation and loneliness amongst older people. Having a … View moreAGE CONCERN NAPIER is looking to recruit volunteer visitors for their Accredited Home Visiting Service (AVS) throughout the Hawkes Bay region. This is a befriending service for people over the age of 65, and is aimed at reducing social isolation and loneliness amongst older people. Having a visitor can make a real difference to the health and happiness of an older person. Our visitors provide regular visits of about an hour per week, share interests and activities with clients, and bring a little sunshine into their lives.

If you would like to become part of our wonderful team of volunteers please contact us for further details. We would love to hear from you.
Christine Mulholland
AVS Coordinator
PH: 06 842 1531
M : 027 422 7355
E :
A : 98 Taradale Road Napier

2290 days ago


Morag Hill from Age Concern Napier

Age Concern Napier Op Shop is having a half price sale all this week. All items half price in store except for Art Deco clothes and accessories Just in a selection of childrens duvet covers. Selection of christmas items. Call in and grab a bargain. 98 Taradale Road (next to video shop) we are open… View moreAge Concern Napier Op Shop is having a half price sale all this week. All items half price in store except for Art Deco clothes and accessories Just in a selection of childrens duvet covers. Selection of christmas items. Call in and grab a bargain. 98 Taradale Road (next to video shop) we are open 10am to 3.30pm Monday-Friday.


2392 days ago


Morag Hill from Age Concern Napier

Age Concern Napier are requiring a chest deep freeze. Does anyone have a freezer for sale/donate . It is required for our frozen meals storage, a much needed fundraiser for us.

2397 days ago

Volunteers required

Morag Hill from Age Concern Napier

We are currently looking for volunteers to join our support service team. If you enjoy gardening and have an hour or two to spare once a month, we have older people who are requiring assistance to keep their gardens maintained. This entails light garden maintenance only. A small hourly remuneration… View moreWe are currently looking for volunteers to join our support service team. If you enjoy gardening and have an hour or two to spare once a month, we have older people who are requiring assistance to keep their gardens maintained. This entails light garden maintenance only. A small hourly remuneration is paid. Contact Age Concern Napier telephone 8421346 or email

2398 days ago


Morag Hill from Age Concern Napier

Age Concern Napier have available Frozen Meals, these can be purchased from our office - 98 Taradale Road telephone 8421346, or we home deliver once a week. These meals are provided by Pure Catering and we have a great variety to choose from. 2 sizes 300gm $6.50 or 400gm $8.50.
