1449 days ago

She wears black. Always. As it turns out, death was not the end of her story. Chapter five.

Rebecca Zwitser from Last Writes

Penny said “Mum had told me about a little notebook she called her ‘death book’ that she wrote in. It was a book imbued with spirit... some of that was probably brandy.”
“You know, I’ve never been able to grasp that in a time of deep grief people have to organise and decide so many things - when they can barely get out of bed! I am grateful to mum for taking that off my plate.”
In her book Penny’s mum wrote about what she would like for her funeral including flowers, hymns and who (and how long) should speak. “So, all I needed to do was rip out the first three pages. Like tearing out a small piece of someone’s heart - but in a good way.”
I was there and I was brightly dressed. As was Penny’s mother. The funeral was beautiful. Penny whispered to me afterwards “I had the little book in my pocket, and while I was saying my last goodbye to mum, the one thing I didn’t agonise over was hoping I had made the right choices. I knew it was what mum wanted and she would have loved it.”
As her friends gathered around for support, Penny got braver and read more of the little ‘death’ book.

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1 day ago

Free pick up and delivery

Charlotte Penrose from Elstree Mowers 2007 Ltd

Hi Everyone 👋
Spring is in the air, that means new growth. So now is the best time to get your gardening equipment serviced or sharpened. Lawnmowers, weedeaters hedgetrimmers etc. Just give me a call or text on 027 601 3006 Have a great day Charlotte

2 hours ago

Poll: Would you use a pet cemetery?

The Team from

Dave Stephens has created a pet cemetery on his land.

The 10-acre site in Albany, Auckland, features graves nestled among beautifully manicured gardens and unique art pieces, offering a serene space where visitors can pay their respects in their own way.

Is this something you think you would use? Share your thoughts below.

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28 days ago

Gardening and Painting Services

Alex Linda from Alex & Linda

Our team is ready to give a makeover to your garden and a fresh paint/look to your interior and exterior of your house

Call, Text or email us for a free quote
027 944 4449

Trimming/Cutting Hedges and Trees
Digging out/Removing overgrown unwanted plants/flowers
Seasonal Clean-up/Big Garden Clean up
Mixed/Green Waste Removal
Floor and Tile Painting
Indoor/Outdoor painting
Deck/Fence Painting/Staining