Ultra Bright Ultra Clean

Ultra Bright Ultra Clean is not just the everyday run of the mill cleaning service. We use a range of technology such as ultrasonic, uvc, electrostatic etc rather than chemicals when we can. We also offer a Nanocoating service and products to protect the clean and the original. But the best bit is that theres no menu of services you have to fit or a structured pricing regime. You tell us what you need a hand with, whether it be inside ,outside , moved or cleaned, and we will do our best to help you out within your budget.Maybe you need a hand in the garden, or your dear old nana does, a spring clean or rubbish removed Some parts ultrasonically cleaned or some produce. A full house disinfection or post Covid clean. Tenants done a runner or a hand moving in or out. Hows your shower glass or spouting looking, or do you need your paths waterblasted, winter is approaching after all. Ultra Bright Ultra Clean are only a message away so whatever your need , try us first


About Ultra Bright Ultra Clean

Ultra Bright Ultra Clean is not just the everyday run of the mill cleaning service. We use a range of technology such as ultrasonic, uvc, electrostatic etc rather than chemicals when we can. We also offer a Nanocoating service and products to protect the clean and the original. But the best bit is that theres no menu of services you have to fit or a structured pricing regime. You tell us what you need a hand with, whether it be inside ,outside , moved or cleaned, and we will do our best to help you out within your budget.Maybe you need a hand in the garden, or your dear old nana does, a spring clean or rubbish removed Some parts ultrasonically cleaned or some produce. A full house disinfection or post Covid clean. Tenants done a runner or a hand moving in or out. Hows your shower glass or spouting looking, or do you need your paths waterblasted, winter is approaching after all. Ultra Bright Ultra Clean are only a message away so whatever your need , try us first