Trish Greenwood Mortgage & Insurance Adviser

Purchasing a house is a big step, whether you’ve done it before or you’re getting your own place for the first time.

It should be an exciting experience, but sometimes it can feel overwhelmingly complicated and even downright scary. There’s so much to think about…

How much money do you need?
How much can you afford?
Will the bank give you a loan?
How do you access your KiwiSaver scheme?
How can you be sure you’re getting the best deal?
How should your loan be structured?

Don’t worry! I’ll help you navigate all the ins and outs with ease.

Whether you’re just starting to think about buying your first home, or you’ve found a house you love and you’re ready to go, I can help you work out what you can afford and how you’re going to pay.

Everyone’s financial circumstances are different. All the banks are different too, which is why one bank may be willing to lend you more, while another may lend less, but offer you a better deal. To ensure you’re getting the best deal you can, it helps to have an experienced ally going in.

I’ll talk you through the buying process, so you feel confident and well-informed.

I’ll get you a pre-approval from a bank, so you can go and say yes to the home you want.

When you buy, I’ll set up the loan in a way that is tailormade to meet your unique needs and has the very best interest rates and structure.

I’ll also help you create an easy plan to ensure you can enjoy (and pay off) your new home. And I’ll be in touch to see how you’re going so I can provide you with any support or advice you may need in your new life as a homeowner.

Financial Services

Trish Greenwood Mortgage & Insurance Adviser

About Trish Greenwood Mortgage & Insurance Adviser

Purchasing a house is a big step, whether you’ve done it before or you’re getting your own place for the first time.

It should be an exciting experience, but sometimes it can feel overwhelmingly complicated and even downright scary. There’s so much to think about…

How much money do you need?
How much can you afford?
Will the bank give you a loan?
How do you access your KiwiSaver scheme?
How can you be sure you’re getting the best deal?
How should your loan be structured?

Don’t worry! I’ll help you navigate all the ins and outs with ease.

Whether you’re just starting to think about buying your first home, or you’ve found a house you love and you’re ready to go, I can help you work out what you can afford and how you’re going to pay.

Everyone’s financial circumstances are different. All the banks are different too, which is why one bank may be willing to lend you more, while another may lend less, but offer you a better deal. To ensure you’re getting the best deal you can, it helps to have an experienced ally going in.

I’ll talk you through the buying process, so you feel confident and well-informed.

I’ll get you a pre-approval from a bank, so you can go and say yes to the home you want.

When you buy, I’ll set up the loan in a way that is tailormade to meet your unique needs and has the very best interest rates and structure.

I’ll also help you create an easy plan to ensure you can enjoy (and pay off) your new home. And I’ll be in touch to see how you’re going so I can provide you with any support or advice you may need in your new life as a homeowner.

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