ThermaShield Aluminium Windows and Doors

Aluminium Window and Doors Manufacturers using New Zealand's Premium Brand OMEGA®

ThermaShield builds new aluminium double glazed windows and doors in the Wellington Region.

We supply Home Owners, Builders, Architects, Developers and Council by providing joinery options for their particular house, project or development.

Our aim is to improve a home's overall health, warmth and value through the use of our products.

We supply residential, architectural, Thermal and commercial suites.

We are the only brand throughout New Zealand that 80% of our product comes from recycled sources.

Joinery Manufacturers

ThermaShield Aluminium Windows and Doors

About ThermaShield Aluminium Windows and Doors

Aluminium Window and Doors Manufacturers using New Zealand's Premium Brand OMEGA®

ThermaShield builds new aluminium double glazed windows and doors in the Wellington Region.

We supply Home Owners, Builders, Architects, Developers and Council by providing joinery options for their particular house, project or development.

Our aim is to improve a home's overall health, warmth and value through the use of our products.

We supply residential, architectural, Thermal and commercial suites.

We are the only brand throughout New Zealand that 80% of our product comes from recycled sources.

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