About The Natural Health Company - Highland Park

Tracy and Ronen started the store in Highland Park in 2001. And this store very quickly became very popular and visited regularly by many local customers. This store today is the main store for the company, and is always alive and busy with customers, stock deliveries and the daily hustle and bustle of a busy health store. You will receive great customer service from our one of our service areas to accommodate the requirements of this larger store.
Tracy and Ronen have a strong understanding of what the current natural health world environment is offering, so please ask if you cannot find it on the shelf, it may already be on its way!
The Highland Park store now has some wonderful clinic rooms which will be in use by our Naturopaths, Herbalists and Nutritionists. Some of you may have already had a consultation with one of our staff, and we look forward to continuing to provide this service for all our current and future clients.

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