That Power Guy - Solar PV | Power Companies | Consulting

That Power Guy is a reference site for the electricity in NZ.
* Compare review and compare power companies
* Report on the cheapest natural gas and LPG providers
* Keep track of local Solar Installers, and
* Provide advice on how to lower your power bill, save energy and install solar PV.

We also provide power consumption, energy efficiency and solar consulting to businesses and individuals.

Got a question? Check out and get in touch.

Engineers - Electrical

That Power Guy - Solar PV | Power Companies | Consulting

About That Power Guy - Solar PV | Power Companies | Consulting

That Power Guy is a reference site for the electricity in NZ.
* Compare review and compare power companies
* Report on the cheapest natural gas and LPG providers
* Keep track of local Solar Installers, and
* Provide advice on how to lower your power bill, save energy and install solar PV.

We also provide power consumption, energy efficiency and solar consulting to businesses and individuals.

Got a question? Check out and get in touch.

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