
Taichistretching is for neighbours who have always wanted to learn TaiChi basics. Improve concentration,learn fall prevention, become physically fitter and practice a bit of mindfulness. Medtitation in movement. This class is for people over 50 and especially benefits those who may have lost touch with fitness.
I operate this as a community initiative and cover costs of room rental transport and my teaching. Thankyou


9 Zeus Avenue
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About Taichistretching

Taichistretching is for neighbours who have always wanted to learn TaiChi basics. Improve concentration,learn fall prevention, become physically fitter and practice a bit of mindfulness. Medtitation in movement. This class is for people over 50 and especially benefits those who may have lost touch with fitness.
I operate this as a community initiative and cover costs of room rental transport and my teaching. Thankyou