Survplanz ltd - land survey consultants

Licensed Cadastral Surveyor

Our Services
Check out our Main Land Surveying Services which we offer to every client

A. Subdivision

- Urban and Rural Subdivision
- Scheme Plan Preparation
- Subdivision Consent Application
- Unit Title and Strata Subdivision
- Cross Lease Conversion to Freehold
- Covenant and Easement Survey
- Legalisation Survey

B. Construction Survey

- Height In Relation to Boundary
- Construction and Building Setout
- As-Built Survey
- Monitoring of Settlement
- Earthworks Volume Calculation

C. Topographical survey

D. Boundary survey

E. Land Transfer Survey

- Removal of Limitation
- Boundary Redefinition
- Covenant and Easement Survey
- Cross Lease Update
- Boundary Relocation / Adjustment

F. Other Surveys
- GPS Survey
- BOMA/Rentable Area Survey
- Road Surveying
- Monitoring

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Surveyors - Land

Survplanz ltd - land survey consultants

About Survplanz ltd - land survey consultants

Licensed Cadastral Surveyor

Our Services
Check out our Main Land Surveying Services which we offer to every client

A. Subdivision

- Urban and Rural Subdivision
- Scheme Plan Preparation
- Subdivision Consent Application
- Unit Title and Strata Subdivision
- Cross Lease Conversion to Freehold
- Covenant and Easement Survey
- Legalisation Survey

B. Construction Survey

- Height In Relation to Boundary
- Construction and Building Setout
- As-Built Survey
- Monitoring of Settlement
- Earthworks Volume Calculation

C. Topographical survey

D. Boundary survey

E. Land Transfer Survey

- Removal of Limitation
- Boundary Redefinition
- Covenant and Easement Survey
- Cross Lease Update
- Boundary Relocation / Adjustment

F. Other Surveys
- GPS Survey
- BOMA/Rentable Area Survey
- Road Surveying
- Monitoring

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