Steve Koerber - Remuera - Love Your Area

I sincerely hope that you and your family are keeping safe & well during this turbulent time in our lives. Uncertainty is never our friend, but we can be certain that Coronavirus will not survive. How can I help during this time? Personally, I'm willing to support you in any way I can whilst we're all locked down. Professionally, there are a few more things I can do for you.

My wife Nila and I (plus 3 of our 7 children) are working from home until lock down is over (soon we hope!). For us it's business as usual - or business unusual!

Hats off to all the medical professionals, our government, police and other essential service people working diligently to navigate NZ safely through to the other side of this. New Zealand is truly grateful for your service.

While we wait for lock down to end, I'm appraising Remuera homes virtually - from the comfort of my own home. Stay home, stay safe, take care.

Phone me anytime on 021864166

Real Estate Agents

Steve Koerber - Remuera - Love Your Area

About Steve Koerber - Remuera - Love Your Area

I sincerely hope that you and your family are keeping safe & well during this turbulent time in our lives. Uncertainty is never our friend, but we can be certain that Coronavirus will not survive. How can I help during this time? Personally, I'm willing to support you in any way I can whilst we're all locked down. Professionally, there are a few more things I can do for you.

My wife Nila and I (plus 3 of our 7 children) are working from home until lock down is over (soon we hope!). For us it's business as usual - or business unusual!

Hats off to all the medical professionals, our government, police and other essential service people working diligently to navigate NZ safely through to the other side of this. New Zealand is truly grateful for your service.

While we wait for lock down to end, I'm appraising Remuera homes virtually - from the comfort of my own home. Stay home, stay safe, take care.

Phone me anytime on 021864166

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