Southern Heat Pump Cleaning

100% Locally owned and operated business cleaning Heat Pumps in the Southland area since 2011.

The majority of household dust is shed human skin cells which can be mixed in with pet dander, ash, cigarette smoke, pollen and soil particles, and this can cause allergies, asthma, itchy eyes, coughing and runny noses.

``The most toxic mould floating in the air is invisible to the naked eye, but still may be affecting your health. Mould and mildew are known to cause respiratory problems, common allergic reaction symptoms. The average person spends over 60% of their time in their houses. A heat pump full of mould, mildew and dust is not only potentially hazardous to your health can drastically reduce its performance.''

If a heat pump was trying to heat through a layer of dirt or contaminants, air flow would be restricted and the room would only receive some of the heat generated.

For more information please visit our facebook page.

Air Conditioning

Southern Heat Pump Cleaning

About Southern Heat Pump Cleaning

100% Locally owned and operated business cleaning Heat Pumps in the Southland area since 2011.

The majority of household dust is shed human skin cells which can be mixed in with pet dander, ash, cigarette smoke, pollen and soil particles, and this can cause allergies, asthma, itchy eyes, coughing and runny noses.

``The most toxic mould floating in the air is invisible to the naked eye, but still may be affecting your health. Mould and mildew are known to cause respiratory problems, common allergic reaction symptoms. The average person spends over 60% of their time in their houses. A heat pump full of mould, mildew and dust is not only potentially hazardous to your health can drastically reduce its performance.''

If a heat pump was trying to heat through a layer of dirt or contaminants, air flow would be restricted and the room would only receive some of the heat generated.

For more information please visit our facebook page.