SHAC designs and builds small buildings using open source and innovative prefab technology.

At the Valley Community Workspace, we bring together Makers, designers, engineers, and young people to learn and make things. We work on electronics, electric bicycles, and building energy retrofits.

We recently started the ‘Living Rooms‘ community science project to better understand home heating and ventilation.

My research and practical interests are in how the design of our built environment can be progressed to reduce the total energy resources required to support a good quality of life.

Tim Bishop coordinates SHAC. He is an experienced engineer and project manager. Tim is the treasurer for Valley Community Workspace, Inc.



About SHAC

SHAC designs and builds small buildings using open source and innovative prefab technology.

At the Valley Community Workspace, we bring together Makers, designers, engineers, and young people to learn and make things. We work on electronics, electric bicycles, and building energy retrofits.

We recently started the ‘Living Rooms‘ community science project to better understand home heating and ventilation.

My research and practical interests are in how the design of our built environment can be progressed to reduce the total energy resources required to support a good quality of life.

Tim Bishop coordinates SHAC. He is an experienced engineer and project manager. Tim is the treasurer for Valley Community Workspace, Inc.

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