Ramesh Kumar Chartered Accountant Limited

Hi I mostly only want to be a developer now. But also am self employed digger driver and lisenced builder, I have a 3 lot subdivision with existing house on lot 1 which I want to rent and turn garage into separate 1 bedroom separate dwelling, so I get high yeild? And sell the other 2 sites and then buy more property to subdivde ect. Also build a rental portfolio. Is this something u can help me setup so it's easier. Also want to claim GST on house, but sell to company at retail price to avoid paying tax on money?

Accountants - General

48B Orchard West Road
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About Ramesh Kumar Chartered Accountant Limited

Hi I mostly only want to be a developer now. But also am self employed digger driver and lisenced builder, I have a 3 lot subdivision with existing house on lot 1 which I want to rent and turn garage into separate 1 bedroom separate dwelling, so I get high yeild? And sell the other 2 sites and then buy more property to subdivde ect. Also build a rental portfolio. Is this something u can help me setup so it's easier. Also want to claim GST on house, but sell to company at retail price to avoid paying tax on money?