Pier Two Jetty Construction

We’re your Marlborough Sounds Jetty and Wharf Builders. We build beautiful jetties.

Pier Two provides a full construction and project management service for all foreshore structures and bach properties.
We can assist you with:
- Fixed jetties
- Wharf rebuilds
- Floating pontoon additions
- Modular docks
- Floating platforms
- Gangways
- Project design & planning
- Engineer referrals
- Resource & Building Consent applications
- RC-required jetty modifications
- Tracks and walkways
- Cliff steps
- Seawalls and retaining walls
- Jetty maintenance programme
- Earthworks
- Building Foundations
- One-off building or renovation projects

You can be confident that our work will withstand the tidal and swell conditions present in our marine environment, and fair usage from boats and commercial operators that will access your jetty.


About Pier Two Jetty Construction

We’re your Marlborough Sounds Jetty and Wharf Builders. We build beautiful jetties.

Pier Two provides a full construction and project management service for all foreshore structures and bach properties.
We can assist you with:
- Fixed jetties
- Wharf rebuilds
- Floating pontoon additions
- Modular docks
- Floating platforms
- Gangways
- Project design & planning
- Engineer referrals
- Resource & Building Consent applications
- RC-required jetty modifications
- Tracks and walkways
- Cliff steps
- Seawalls and retaining walls
- Jetty maintenance programme
- Earthworks
- Building Foundations
- One-off building or renovation projects

You can be confident that our work will withstand the tidal and swell conditions present in our marine environment, and fair usage from boats and commercial operators that will access your jetty.

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