Napier Group Riding for Disabled Incorporated Association

Napier RDA is one of 56 independently managed RDA Groups offering therapeutic horse riding and unmounted activities to children and adults with disabilities throughout New Zealand.

Our Mission Statement is “To provide interaction with horses, to develop increased ability, independence and self-esteem for children and adults with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges”. The physical and psychological benefits gained through RDA are many and varied, well recognised and well documented.

We operate four days a week, providing RDA sessions for clients from Hohepa Homes and Hohepa School, Idea Services, Disability Resource Centre, Havelock North High School and Rowan House, as well as a large number of private clients. Our RDA sessions are very much a team effort involving the coaches, volunteers and horses. Some clients need as many as five people to assist them with mounting, and once in the saddle need three people to support them while riding. Others manage well with just a leader and some riders are able to be in sole control of their pony.

Riding and interaction with horses benefits adults and children with a wide range of special needs, including cerebral palsy, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, visual or hearing impairments, autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, or multiple disabilities and other physical, psychiatric, social and behavioural challenges and difficulties.

RDA programmes are designed to complement conventional therapies and special needs education. As well as being an exciting, challenging and motivating activity, skills learnt at RDA are transferable into many aspects of daily life. Interaction with a horse, and the effects of its movement on the human body, also has significant therapeutic benefits.

RDA Programmes develop, increase and improve –
* Physical abilities: Muscle tone, balance, coordination, muscle strength, flexibility, fitness, posture, gait (ability to walk), respiration, circulation, metabolism, sensory perception and integration, independence: self-care and mobility.
* Psychological abilities: Concentration, problem solving and decision making, insight, motivation, self-esteem, confidence, learning/practicing concepts e.g. letters, numbers, colours, distances, shapes etc.
* Social abilities: Communication and social skills, learning appropriate behaviour and manners, interaction with peers: individuals and groups, human/animal contact and bonding, building relationships, consideration for others and taking on responsibility.
* Recreational/sport/vocational abilities: Equestrian skills and horse management, develop interests, broaden experiences, challenge and success in competition with self and others, stimulation and/or relaxation, integration and community participation, work experience.

We currently have 10 horses and ponies, all of which have been carefully chosen for their quiet temperaments and obliging natures. They are very well looked after and undergo rigorous training to ensure their suitability for the work they do.

In addition to our RDA Programmes we run numerous fundraising events throughout the year, including raffles, fun runs, fundraising dinner, cake stalls, holiday programmes and more. We work hard to cover our own costs as much as possible, but we are in serious need of financial help to maintain our current level of community service.

RDA changes lives!

Community Services

Napier Group Riding for Disabled Incorporated Association

About Napier Group Riding for Disabled Incorporated Association

Napier RDA is one of 56 independently managed RDA Groups offering therapeutic horse riding and unmounted activities to children and adults with disabilities throughout New Zealand.

Our Mission Statement is “To provide interaction with horses, to develop increased ability, independence and self-esteem for children and adults with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges”. The physical and psychological benefits gained through RDA are many and varied, well recognised and well documented.

We operate four days a week, providing RDA sessions for clients from Hohepa Homes and Hohepa School, Idea Services, Disability Resource Centre, Havelock North High School and Rowan House, as well as a large number of private clients. Our RDA sessions are very much a team effort involving the coaches, volunteers and horses. Some clients need as many as five people to assist them with mounting, and once in the saddle need three people to support them while riding. Others manage well with just a leader and some riders are able to be in sole control of their pony.

Riding and interaction with horses benefits adults and children with a wide range of special needs, including cerebral palsy, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, visual or hearing impairments, autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, or multiple disabilities and other physical, psychiatric, social and behavioural challenges and difficulties.

RDA programmes are designed to complement conventional therapies and special needs education. As well as being an exciting, challenging and motivating activity, skills learnt at RDA are transferable into many aspects of daily life. Interaction with a horse, and the effects of its movement on the human body, also has significant therapeutic benefits.

RDA Programmes develop, increase and improve –
* Physical abilities: Muscle tone, balance, coordination, muscle strength, flexibility, fitness, posture, gait (ability to walk), respiration, circulation, metabolism, sensory perception and integration, independence: self-care and mobility.
* Psychological abilities: Concentration, problem solving and decision making, insight, motivation, self-esteem, confidence, learning/practicing concepts e.g. letters, numbers, colours, distances, shapes etc.
* Social abilities: Communication and social skills, learning appropriate behaviour and manners, interaction with peers: individuals and groups, human/animal contact and bonding, building relationships, consideration for others and taking on responsibility.
* Recreational/sport/vocational abilities: Equestrian skills and horse management, develop interests, broaden experiences, challenge and success in competition with self and others, stimulation and/or relaxation, integration and community participation, work experience.

We currently have 10 horses and ponies, all of which have been carefully chosen for their quiet temperaments and obliging natures. They are very well looked after and undergo rigorous training to ensure their suitability for the work they do.

In addition to our RDA Programmes we run numerous fundraising events throughout the year, including raffles, fun runs, fundraising dinner, cake stalls, holiday programmes and more. We work hard to cover our own costs as much as possible, but we are in serious need of financial help to maintain our current level of community service.

RDA changes lives!

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