Kiwi Home Tech

Computer or printer issues? Need home office support?

Kiwi Home Tech are here to help. We have the perfect solution to any I.T / tech issue no matter how big or small.

We have the perfect solution to any issue no matter how big or small. We fix, repair, replace and solve any technology related problem you may be facing.

We also install, setup and configure new technology. Ranging from New TVs to Bluetooth speaker systems, home theater, smart devices and printing.

Email not working?
Printer broken again?
T.V not behaving?
Internet issues?
System running slow?
Smart phone issues?

Wi-Fi services:
Tired of your Wi-Fi being slow? Signal strength spotty or poor in certain areas of your home? Unsure of your current setup and if you could have a better one in place?

Kiwi home tech will have a solution for you. We can review your current set up and recommend what needs to be changed and or improved.

Computer & Printer Repair

About Kiwi Home Tech

Computer or printer issues? Need home office support?

Kiwi Home Tech are here to help. We have the perfect solution to any I.T / tech issue no matter how big or small.

We have the perfect solution to any issue no matter how big or small. We fix, repair, replace and solve any technology related problem you may be facing.

We also install, setup and configure new technology. Ranging from New TVs to Bluetooth speaker systems, home theater, smart devices and printing.

Email not working?
Printer broken again?
T.V not behaving?
Internet issues?
System running slow?
Smart phone issues?

Wi-Fi services:
Tired of your Wi-Fi being slow? Signal strength spotty or poor in certain areas of your home? Unsure of your current setup and if you could have a better one in place?

Kiwi home tech will have a solution for you. We can review your current set up and recommend what needs to be changed and or improved.

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