Johnston Painters

Johnston Painters Based in Sandringham free quotes or estimates, residential, flats, shops, factories, fences etc. Brush, roller or spray work done. 20 years experience, trade qualified. Ring Lez for a friendly chat about your painting requirements. References available. 096293646, 0226808208. We are happy to travel to most of Auckland as we are close to the motorway and easily get south, west or north. GST registered and have public liability insurance.

Painters & Paperhangers

Columbia Road
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About Johnston Painters

Johnston Painters Based in Sandringham free quotes or estimates, residential, flats, shops, factories, fences etc. Brush, roller or spray work done. 20 years experience, trade qualified. Ring Lez for a friendly chat about your painting requirements. References available. 096293646, 0226808208. We are happy to travel to most of Auckland as we are close to the motorway and easily get south, west or north. GST registered and have public liability insurance.