insightsnz Wise Woman Readings

I have been doing clairvoyant readings for over 30yrs now mostly via email and some face to face - i am now available for more face to face out here in the beautiful countryside of HIra - i do NOT use cards i tune into your energy and at first simply open and go with whatever comes through then i ask you to direct the energy by asking questions - these can be as many as you feel about whatever you feel to ask. Sometimes those who have passed do come through spontaneously and we can explore that further at the time you are welcome to record on your phone session lasts for 1 hr depending on what comes through it can be longer - i like to just let things flow in that sense so timing isnt that important in these sessions for me


About insightsnz Wise Woman Readings

I have been doing clairvoyant readings for over 30yrs now mostly via email and some face to face - i am now available for more face to face out here in the beautiful countryside of HIra - i do NOT use cards i tune into your energy and at first simply open and go with whatever comes through then i ask you to direct the energy by asking questions - these can be as many as you feel about whatever you feel to ask. Sometimes those who have passed do come through spontaneously and we can explore that further at the time you are welcome to record on your phone session lasts for 1 hr depending on what comes through it can be longer - i like to just let things flow in that sense so timing isnt that important in these sessions for me