Healing Arts Kung Fu School

The Gordon Families passion for the Healing Arts has its roots in the childrens Cardiac unit, Ward 9, Green Lane Hospital over 20 years ago, where my daughter Jessie had her first major heart operation. And where a family friend (Grant Buchanan) introduced Jessie and myself to Chi Gung (Qi Gong). So impressed, I joined his school, and after 11 years study, I was employed as a full time professional Martial Arts Instructor, 2004 to 2009. 2009 Healing Arts Kung Fu School was formed with the intent and passion to provide martial arts, Kung Fu for health to young and old, creating harmony in the person... creating harmony in the community.

With health at the fore front, the Healing Arts Kung Fu School understands training is personalised, your age, health, fitness, balance, confidence, all play an important role in how you train, refining movement, posture and breathing. The family of Arts available provide multiple methods of refining ones awareness, Chi Gung is the tread that connects all three arts, Tai Chi, Ba Gua and Healing Arts Kung Fu.

The Healing Arts Kung Fu schools, Young Forest Leadership programme, is in over 20 schools throughout Auckland helping more then 200 kids per week, learn the discipline of Tai Chi and Kung Fu. Boosting confidence, impoving self control, relieving stress. The breathing exercises and posture awareness, are Tai Chi refinements, interlocking exercises from Chi Gung and Kung Fu bird forms are a fun and respectful method of training mind and body.

The Healing Arts Kung Fu School promotes an understanding that Slow = Control - Strength Balance, correcting ones postural alignment naturally improves awareness. Training methods to release stress is an important tool in our everyday life, improved fitness, focus, concentration, co-ordination and balanced mental and physical approach to exercise. Slow, fast - hard, soft - yin, yang - BALANCE, keeping the mind and body positively stimulated is essential for good health and longevity. Training needs to be fun, exciting, challenging, a strengthening of the whole body.

Tai Chi Chuan: Make no mistake, this is a Martial Art. Promoting a good understanding of moving energy through the body. Harmonising breath and movement, sometimes known as moving meditation. Balance, strength, power and grace. As ones knowledge expands, so will the ability to apply the applications to the forms taught. Playful combat also known as Tui Shou or Pushing Hands is aiso available for those who wish to extend their knowledge of the art in a more competitive direction.

Health & Fitness Centres

Healing Arts Kung Fu School
120 Glendale Road
Glen Eden
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About Healing Arts Kung Fu School

The Gordon Families passion for the Healing Arts has its roots in the childrens Cardiac unit, Ward 9, Green Lane Hospital over 20 years ago, where my daughter Jessie had her first major heart operation. And where a family friend (Grant Buchanan) introduced Jessie and myself to Chi Gung (Qi Gong). So impressed, I joined his school, and after 11 years study, I was employed as a full time professional Martial Arts Instructor, 2004 to 2009. 2009 Healing Arts Kung Fu School was formed with the intent and passion to provide martial arts, Kung Fu for health to young and old, creating harmony in the person... creating harmony in the community.

With health at the fore front, the Healing Arts Kung Fu School understands training is personalised, your age, health, fitness, balance, confidence, all play an important role in how you train, refining movement, posture and breathing. The family of Arts available provide multiple methods of refining ones awareness, Chi Gung is the tread that connects all three arts, Tai Chi, Ba Gua and Healing Arts Kung Fu.

The Healing Arts Kung Fu schools, Young Forest Leadership programme, is in over 20 schools throughout Auckland helping more then 200 kids per week, learn the discipline of Tai Chi and Kung Fu. Boosting confidence, impoving self control, relieving stress. The breathing exercises and posture awareness, are Tai Chi refinements, interlocking exercises from Chi Gung and Kung Fu bird forms are a fun and respectful method of training mind and body.

The Healing Arts Kung Fu School promotes an understanding that Slow = Control - Strength Balance, correcting ones postural alignment naturally improves awareness. Training methods to release stress is an important tool in our everyday life, improved fitness, focus, concentration, co-ordination and balanced mental and physical approach to exercise. Slow, fast - hard, soft - yin, yang - BALANCE, keeping the mind and body positively stimulated is essential for good health and longevity. Training needs to be fun, exciting, challenging, a strengthening of the whole body.

Tai Chi Chuan: Make no mistake, this is a Martial Art. Promoting a good understanding of moving energy through the body. Harmonising breath and movement, sometimes known as moving meditation. Balance, strength, power and grace. As ones knowledge expands, so will the ability to apply the applications to the forms taught. Playful combat also known as Tui Shou or Pushing Hands is aiso available for those who wish to extend their knowledge of the art in a more competitive direction.