Harrisons Carpet Marlborough

We are a locally owned and operated company working with local people to turn their houses into homes.
We are completely mobile, therefore we come to you with over 400 samples in our van to choose from. Along with the best price, a high quality product, exceptional service and New Zealand's only carpet retailer to offer you Fly Buys.
Check out our website harrsionsathome.co.nz or phone Nathan today on 021 99 70 70

Carpet / Vinyl Contractors

Harrisons Carpet Marlborough

About Harrisons Carpet Marlborough

We are a locally owned and operated company working with local people to turn their houses into homes.
We are completely mobile, therefore we come to you with over 400 samples in our van to choose from. Along with the best price, a high quality product, exceptional service and New Zealand's only carpet retailer to offer you Fly Buys.
Check out our website harrsionsathome.co.nz or phone Nathan today on 021 99 70 70

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