Growth Orthodontics

Dr Vernon Kruger is a non-specialist orthodontist.( A general dentist with a special interest in orthodontics) He has over 30 years experience and served the Waikato's orthodontics needs for 24 years.
Our Philosophy:
Wide attractive smiles look better than narrow smiles often caused by tooth extraction
We like to create beautiful faces without a dished-in profile
We improve jaw size, jaw position, tooth position, make more tongue space. This improves the airway space which helps to improve the posture resulting in a healthy happy patient
Extracting teeth just hides the problem. We should help the body to correct itself
We help to grow the jaws and allow the teeth to go where nature intended them to be
We use ultra-light forces to move teeth with the bone and not through it - with little or no pain
We are also a licensed Fastbraces© provider.
Call us to arrange a free consultation.


Growth Orthodontics

About Growth Orthodontics

Dr Vernon Kruger is a non-specialist orthodontist.( A general dentist with a special interest in orthodontics) He has over 30 years experience and served the Waikato's orthodontics needs for 24 years.
Our Philosophy:
Wide attractive smiles look better than narrow smiles often caused by tooth extraction
We like to create beautiful faces without a dished-in profile
We improve jaw size, jaw position, tooth position, make more tongue space. This improves the airway space which helps to improve the posture resulting in a healthy happy patient
Extracting teeth just hides the problem. We should help the body to correct itself
We help to grow the jaws and allow the teeth to go where nature intended them to be
We use ultra-light forces to move teeth with the bone and not through it - with little or no pain
We are also a licensed Fastbraces© provider.
Call us to arrange a free consultation.