Suite 9
326 Sunset Road
Windsor Park
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2877 days ago


Graham Morrissey Dentures

Graham Morrissey has the answer for you or your partner’s snoring or sleep apnoea. Graham, a senior Clinical Dental Technician, with over 40 years in the industry, has invested in the latest equipment, numerous courses and seminars about snoring and sleep apnoea and uses the latest European … View moreGraham Morrissey has the answer for you or your partner’s snoring or sleep apnoea. Graham, a senior Clinical Dental Technician, with over 40 years in the industry, has invested in the latest equipment, numerous courses and seminars about snoring and sleep apnoea and uses the latest European technology, which is comfortable and easy to wear.
It is not always evident to you, that you have a problem, but it is usually your partner who complains about your snoring or your irregular breathing patterns. Depending on the severity of the snoring or sleep apnoea, it can be detrimental to your health for both you and your partner as you both don’t get a good night’s sleep. Interrupted sleep and sleep apnoea can affect the heart, cause daytime fatigue, drowsiness and various other health issues.
There is something that can be done to alleviate the problem of snoring or sleep apnoea at an affordable cost. Graham Morrissey custom fits his hand made Mandibular Advancement Anti-Snoring Device similar to a mouth guard that increases the airway space holding your lower jaw slightly forward and worn during sleeping. After making an initial impression of your teeth, Graham fabricates the device to fit for the best possible result, which can be up to a 90 per cent reduction in snoring. Unfortunately, you cannot be a denture wearer for this device to work.
Graham is confident you will walk away happy with your Mandibular Advancement Anti-Snore Device and have peace of mind that you and your partner will get a good night’s sleep.
Graham has an easy going personality that people of all ages warm to so make an appointment to see Graham today for a free consultation and quote at Graham Morrissey Dentures, North Shore Medical Centre, Unit 9 326 Sunset Rd, Mairangi Bay and at Kepa Road, Kohimarama.
