Form Function Food Landscaping Solutions

What Landscaping Solutions do I offer?
•Landscape Maintenance e.g. hedgetrimming and chain sawing and tree, shrub, plant maintenance, weeding and spraying and walk behind mowing with edging.
•Plant Training and Maintenance e.g. thinning, cutting deadwood out, raising canopy, espalier, pleaching, topiary, sculpting into shapes, tree staking, various fruit tree/plant pruning
•Tree, Shrub and Plant Removal and Disposal
•Weed Control Options, e.g. spray programme, line trimmer, mechanical removal and mulching
•Fertilizing and Plant Pest Management
•Residential Irrigation Options from programmed timed to simple plug in and turn on.
•Hard Landscaping e.g. paving, pathways, edging, screens, raised gardens, low retaining walls
•Planting Plans: Selection, Sourcing, and Planting
•Landscape Design
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Form Function Food Landscaping Solutions

About Form Function Food Landscaping Solutions

What Landscaping Solutions do I offer?
•Landscape Maintenance e.g. hedgetrimming and chain sawing and tree, shrub, plant maintenance, weeding and spraying and walk behind mowing with edging.
•Plant Training and Maintenance e.g. thinning, cutting deadwood out, raising canopy, espalier, pleaching, topiary, sculpting into shapes, tree staking, various fruit tree/plant pruning
•Tree, Shrub and Plant Removal and Disposal
•Weed Control Options, e.g. spray programme, line trimmer, mechanical removal and mulching
•Fertilizing and Plant Pest Management
•Residential Irrigation Options from programmed timed to simple plug in and turn on.
•Hard Landscaping e.g. paving, pathways, edging, screens, raised gardens, low retaining walls
•Planting Plans: Selection, Sourcing, and Planting
•Landscape Design
Visit Form Function Food Landscaping Solutions facebook page
For a competitive price from a registered company