Forget-Me-Not Lifestories

I help individuals, families and corporates preserve important history for future generations. I take a headful of memories and a box full of photographs and transform them into enduring family legacy (books). I not only interview and record someone's lifestory, but I turn it into a good read. I handle and preserve images, some of them very old. I work alongside our designer and printer and after many checks and exchange of proofs, I deliver a family an heirloom to be treasured for many future generations to come. I help people preserve their memoirs and personal history, which goes behind the names and dates on a family tree and infuses the past with vitality. I can help at any stage of a project, nothing is too big or too small. I also offer 'Writing Your Life in The Past Lane' workshops. I encourage everyone to preserve their personal history and I can help you start, or if you already have started, finish. As Oscar Wilde said: There is no such thing as an ordinary life!


Forget-Me-Not Lifestories

About Forget-Me-Not Lifestories

I help individuals, families and corporates preserve important history for future generations. I take a headful of memories and a box full of photographs and transform them into enduring family legacy (books). I not only interview and record someone's lifestory, but I turn it into a good read. I handle and preserve images, some of them very old. I work alongside our designer and printer and after many checks and exchange of proofs, I deliver a family an heirloom to be treasured for many future generations to come. I help people preserve their memoirs and personal history, which goes behind the names and dates on a family tree and infuses the past with vitality. I can help at any stage of a project, nothing is too big or too small. I also offer 'Writing Your Life in The Past Lane' workshops. I encourage everyone to preserve their personal history and I can help you start, or if you already have started, finish. As Oscar Wilde said: There is no such thing as an ordinary life!