fix it computer hastings

Why Choose Us ?

We specialises in all kinds of iPhone, iPad, Samsung & laptop repairs
Most Phones repair can be done while you are waiting (30 minutes)
We are open 7 Days (closed on public holidays)
No Fix - No Charge !
Expert Technician
No Appointment Necessary
Full Business Support

Water Damage Device Repair

A cycle through the washing machine. A swim in the pool. A dunk in the loo. They all lead to one terrible reality—a water damaged Phone. If your Phone has recently suffered some sort of water damage, don’t go out and buy a new one just yet! Just quickly get it to your Fix it Computer Hastings Smart Phone Repair. We will do everything we can to save your phone from destruction and to retrieve all your data.

The longer it will take you to bring to our shop, the smaller the chance for success. Phone water damage is more severe than a cracked screen or broken LCD.

Telephone Repairs

fix it computer hastings

About fix it computer hastings

Why Choose Us ?

We specialises in all kinds of iPhone, iPad, Samsung & laptop repairs
Most Phones repair can be done while you are waiting (30 minutes)
We are open 7 Days (closed on public holidays)
No Fix - No Charge !
Expert Technician
No Appointment Necessary
Full Business Support

Water Damage Device Repair

A cycle through the washing machine. A swim in the pool. A dunk in the loo. They all lead to one terrible reality—a water damaged Phone. If your Phone has recently suffered some sort of water damage, don’t go out and buy a new one just yet! Just quickly get it to your Fix it Computer Hastings Smart Phone Repair. We will do everything we can to save your phone from destruction and to retrieve all your data.

The longer it will take you to bring to our shop, the smaller the chance for success. Phone water damage is more severe than a cracked screen or broken LCD.

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