
Envirohub Bay of Plenty is one of 12 Environment Centres around NZ, aimed at helping local communities learn about and take action on environmental issues that support a sustainable future. We are a non-profit, non-political organisation that works within the Bay of Plenty community delivering innovative and practical projects and programmes designed to educate, inform and inspire our people. Find out what’s happening in your part of the Bay and get involved!

Environmental Organisations

Unit 25
115 17th Avenue
Tauranga South
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About Envirohub

Envirohub Bay of Plenty is one of 12 Environment Centres around NZ, aimed at helping local communities learn about and take action on environmental issues that support a sustainable future. We are a non-profit, non-political organisation that works within the Bay of Plenty community delivering innovative and practical projects and programmes designed to educate, inform and inspire our people. Find out what’s happening in your part of the Bay and get involved!