EaziAir.nz Limited

EaziAir.nz Limited is a Hamilton based business, servicing the Hamilton and surrounding communities. We take care of all your heat pump and refrigeration requirements, from supply and install to maintenance. EaziAir.nz also takes care of commercial cool and freezer rooms for all types of applications. We supply and install Air to Water heat pumps, a cost effective way to heat your hot water cylinder and can even be run off Green solar power. Feel free to contact us for free quotes and inquiries.


EaziAir.nz Limited
Darjon Drive
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About EaziAir.nz Limited

EaziAir.nz Limited is a Hamilton based business, servicing the Hamilton and surrounding communities. We take care of all your heat pump and refrigeration requirements, from supply and install to maintenance. EaziAir.nz also takes care of commercial cool and freezer rooms for all types of applications. We supply and install Air to Water heat pumps, a cost effective way to heat your hot water cylinder and can even be run off Green solar power. Feel free to contact us for free quotes and inquiries.