Drink My Coffee Hawke Bay ~ Distributor Sarah Hansen

Our Coffee is a 50/50 blend from two premium regions.
Half of the blend is produced by Trilladora Medellin with washed processing.

The other half of the blend comes from the Morobe province of Papua New Guinea. The coffee is wash processed. It has some varietal with typica and bourbon.

These fine coffees blended together give fine tasting notes of caramel, brown sugar, malt biscuits and a light acidity.

This is a blend that will delight all who indulge in drinking it.

Enabling people with disabilities to create their own business, whilst at the same time creating employment opportunities for other disabled people.

The Market Problem
Many people with disabilities strive for nothing less than being normal, which includes being employed and financially independent. However, employers do not see their value and capability and this potential is wasted.

The alternative is to create a business opportunity for the disabled person.

Coffee Merchants

Drink My Coffee Hawke Bay ~ Distributor Sarah Hansen

About Drink My Coffee Hawke Bay ~ Distributor Sarah Hansen

Our Coffee is a 50/50 blend from two premium regions.
Half of the blend is produced by Trilladora Medellin with washed processing.

The other half of the blend comes from the Morobe province of Papua New Guinea. The coffee is wash processed. It has some varietal with typica and bourbon.

These fine coffees blended together give fine tasting notes of caramel, brown sugar, malt biscuits and a light acidity.

This is a blend that will delight all who indulge in drinking it.

Enabling people with disabilities to create their own business, whilst at the same time creating employment opportunities for other disabled people.

The Market Problem
Many people with disabilities strive for nothing less than being normal, which includes being employed and financially independent. However, employers do not see their value and capability and this potential is wasted.

The alternative is to create a business opportunity for the disabled person.

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