
We custom print clothing, homeware and gifts at Digitees.
We have no set up fees, no minimum order, and orders take just 3-5 working days.

CREATE your own: design your tees yourself with our easy online designer.
SHOP our designs: from pregnancy announcements to father’s day gifts, all predesigned and customisable
SELL your designs: open your own free webstore to dropship your own merchandise - no cost, no risk, no hassle, no stock to manage.

Screen Printers


About Digitees

We custom print clothing, homeware and gifts at Digitees.
We have no set up fees, no minimum order, and orders take just 3-5 working days.

CREATE your own: design your tees yourself with our easy online designer.
SHOP our designs: from pregnancy announcements to father’s day gifts, all predesigned and customisable
SELL your designs: open your own free webstore to dropship your own merchandise - no cost, no risk, no hassle, no stock to manage.