Design Windows Central Otago Limited

Design Windows is a leading aluminium window and door specialist in the South Island. At Design Windows we manufacture a number of aluminium joinery & uPVC brands from Architectural Profiles Limited, New Zealand’s largest aluminium windows supplier. These brands include Klima the latest range of uPVC windows and doors designed for New Zealand conditions, Thermal Heart for increased thermal efficiency when combined with double glazing and the APL Architectural series for when modern profiles and large span window or doors are required.
At Design Windows we provide excellent window and door joinery experiences to all concerned without regret. Established in 1984 we have been involved in the aluminium joinery industry for over 30 years. Our project managers have years of experience and would love to help with your window and door design at any stage of your building process.

Joinery Manufacturers

Design Windows Central Otago Limited

About Design Windows Central Otago Limited

Design Windows is a leading aluminium window and door specialist in the South Island. At Design Windows we manufacture a number of aluminium joinery & uPVC brands from Architectural Profiles Limited, New Zealand’s largest aluminium windows supplier. These brands include Klima the latest range of uPVC windows and doors designed for New Zealand conditions, Thermal Heart for increased thermal efficiency when combined with double glazing and the APL Architectural series for when modern profiles and large span window or doors are required.
At Design Windows we provide excellent window and door joinery experiences to all concerned without regret. Established in 1984 we have been involved in the aluminium joinery industry for over 30 years. Our project managers have years of experience and would love to help with your window and door design at any stage of your building process.

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