D's Beans

Coffee is one of my greatest passions. I'm on a mission to ultimately come up with the BEST, FRESHLY, Home Roasted Coffee in Hawke's Bay!

All my beans are freshly roasted each week. I've spend a lot of time sourcing the best quality, fair-trade beans I could find. I continuously look for better ways to improve the quality of my roast. The only thing about coffee I enjoy more than drinking it, is when I see people enjoying my coffee :-)!

Coffee Merchants

D's Beans

About D's Beans

Coffee is one of my greatest passions. I'm on a mission to ultimately come up with the BEST, FRESHLY, Home Roasted Coffee in Hawke's Bay!

All my beans are freshly roasted each week. I've spend a lot of time sourcing the best quality, fair-trade beans I could find. I continuously look for better ways to improve the quality of my roast. The only thing about coffee I enjoy more than drinking it, is when I see people enjoying my coffee :-)!

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