Cambridge Kindergartens Waikato

Cambridge Kindergartens Waikato is well-respected for providing high quality, affordable (cheap!) education and childcare in Cambridge.

Warm & welcoming staff who are passionate about teaching and learning.
Safe, caring and stimulating environment.
Well resourced and huge outdoor play area.
Children develop social interaction and respect.
Private online learning portfolios for parents (sharing photos, videos and stories about your child).
Our very own Cool 4 School Programme, supporting you and your child onto the next step into education.
An exclusive early childhood partnership with the Enviroschools Programme (eg. recycling, composting, gardening).
In Partnership with Sports Waikato Under5 Energize to eat healthy, be active & have fun!
Learning based on the NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.
Value family/whānau and kindergarten partnership.

Child Care & Education

Cambridge Kindergartens Waikato

About Cambridge Kindergartens Waikato

Cambridge Kindergartens Waikato is well-respected for providing high quality, affordable (cheap!) education and childcare in Cambridge.

Warm & welcoming staff who are passionate about teaching and learning.
Safe, caring and stimulating environment.
Well resourced and huge outdoor play area.
Children develop social interaction and respect.
Private online learning portfolios for parents (sharing photos, videos and stories about your child).
Our very own Cool 4 School Programme, supporting you and your child onto the next step into education.
An exclusive early childhood partnership with the Enviroschools Programme (eg. recycling, composting, gardening).
In Partnership with Sports Waikato Under5 Energize to eat healthy, be active & have fun!
Learning based on the NZ Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.
Value family/whānau and kindergarten partnership.

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