Albany Mousery

At Albany Mousery we love pet mice and rats! We are the North Shore agent for The Mouse House, and sell healthy fancy mice and rats, enclosures, products, and full setups. See website for full list of products.

Message us if you are interested or have any questions ?

Mice ?
Mice are fascinating creatures and can be amazing pets for adults or older children ?. They need to be handled gently as they are delicate so younger children should always be supervised. If you would like to keep pet mice you need to ensure they have a large spacious enclosure, wheel, bedding, food, house, chew toys, and water bottle/reservoir.

Rats ?
Rats are really cuddly, love sitting on shoulders, and playful. They are often called 'Rat Kittens' due to similarities. They make fantastic pets for adults, live in an larger enclosure, and need to come out for play time daily.

Mice and rats need attention, their enclosure kept clean and love new challenges by swapping toys out regularly.

Pet Shops

Albany Village
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About Albany Mousery

At Albany Mousery we love pet mice and rats! We are the North Shore agent for The Mouse House, and sell healthy fancy mice and rats, enclosures, products, and full setups. See website for full list of products.

Message us if you are interested or have any questions ?

Mice ?
Mice are fascinating creatures and can be amazing pets for adults or older children ?. They need to be handled gently as they are delicate so younger children should always be supervised. If you would like to keep pet mice you need to ensure they have a large spacious enclosure, wheel, bedding, food, house, chew toys, and water bottle/reservoir.

Rats ?
Rats are really cuddly, love sitting on shoulders, and playful. They are often called 'Rat Kittens' due to similarities. They make fantastic pets for adults, live in an larger enclosure, and need to come out for play time daily.

Mice and rats need attention, their enclosure kept clean and love new challenges by swapping toys out regularly.