Acorn Foundation

Building a compassionate and vibrant community needs thoughtful, committed people - like you.

With your help, we can create lasting positive change for current and future generations.

Your gift will keep on giving because all donations are pooled and invested. The capital remains intact, and the investment income is used to make annual distributions to local charities and community groups.

Support causes that are nearest to your heart, or leave the decision to our

Distributions Committee who know the needs in our region.

Acorn Foundation is unique in that you can support your local community forever.

Charitable Trusts

78 First Avenue
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About Acorn Foundation

Building a compassionate and vibrant community needs thoughtful, committed people - like you.

With your help, we can create lasting positive change for current and future generations.

Your gift will keep on giving because all donations are pooled and invested. The capital remains intact, and the investment income is used to make annual distributions to local charities and community groups.

Support causes that are nearest to your heart, or leave the decision to our

Distributions Committee who know the needs in our region.

Acorn Foundation is unique in that you can support your local community forever.