Raumanga, Whangarei

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Check out what your neighbours are selling (or giving away!) here.

987 days ago

Springtime craft

The Team from Resene ColorShop Whangarei

Brighten up your life and home with these fun party cup dolls, beads of joy and blooming plant pots with your favourite Resene testpot colours.

Find out how to create your own.

988 days ago

Get Upcycling to win in 2022!


Unleash the artist within you, showcase your DIY creative skills and spruce up an old item or completely repurpose it! Resene and Neighbourly are challenging everyday Kiwis like YOU to take part in the Resene Upcycling Awards.

We want to see your amazing creations so don't be afraid to go … View more
Unleash the artist within you, showcase your DIY creative skills and spruce up an old item or completely repurpose it! Resene and Neighbourly are challenging everyday Kiwis like YOU to take part in the Resene Upcycling Awards.

We want to see your amazing creations so don't be afraid to go all out! Check out some of the previous entires here.

Take part in the 2022 Resene Upcycling Awards. There are four great prizes worth $500 up for grabs: a $200 Resene voucher and a $300 Prezzy® card!
Find out more

989 days ago

Reading Tips

NumberWorks'nWords Whangarei

Reading helps your child’s wellbeing, develops imagination, and has educational benefits too. Just a few minutes a day can have a big impact on children of all ages ?

993 days ago

$4.3m WDC court case

Stephen from Central Whangarei

Does anyone know more about this?

NOTE - Paywalled - so you can only see the very beginning though.

I've been waiting since Thursday for it to pop up in our local media but no sign yet.

990 days ago

3 Tips To Sleep Better.

Jay from Beds4U Whangarei

Sleep helps our bodies function properly, it balances our moods, and even helps in the healing of illnesses and injuries. While some individuals have no trouble going asleep at night, others find it difficult. Those who suffer from chronic insomnia or who have difficulty falling asleep sometimes … View moreSleep helps our bodies function properly, it balances our moods, and even helps in the healing of illnesses and injuries. While some individuals have no trouble going asleep at night, others find it difficult. Those who suffer from chronic insomnia or who have difficulty falling asleep sometimes may benefit from the following exercise.

Yoga Nidra
Most people already know that yoga and meditation promote serenity and awareness, but many are unaware that they can also encourage a healthy sleep pattern. Yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a type of guided meditation that is done while laying still in savasana or similar comfortable reclined position.

Revamp Your Bed
Research proves sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too firm can lead to muscular discomfort, causing wakefulness during the night. Using an old pillow or one that is the wrong firmness or shape for your preferred sleep position can have a similar effect. If you find that you cannot get comfortable in your bed or wake up often throughout the night, replacing your pillow or mattress could help.

Clean Your Bedroom
Because there is a link between a crowded bedroom and a cluttered mind, it stands to reason that sleeping in a tidy bedroom can enhance sleep and minimize racing thoughts. Organizing and tidying your room can help you relax at the end of the day to snuggle into a beautifully made bed.

991 days ago

Disco Week at the Red Cross shop in Whangarei

Todd Vincent from Red Cross Shop Whangarei

In honour of National Disco day this weekend, the Red Cross shop in Whangarei is putting on their dancing shoes. If you are looking for that special item for a boogie, why not come in and see us at 46 John Street Whangarei CBD.

991 days ago

HIUGE Savings and you get to help cancer patients in your community

Natasha Judd from Cancer Society Northland

Savings store wide so come on down this week to Noel Lemming and take a flyer to support the Cancer Society.

991 days ago

As the days lengthen... the cold strengthens...

Beds & More Factory Outlet Shop Whangarei

Use nature's best insulation, sheep wool.
Warm, cosy in winter, cooling in summer. Naturally good all year around.
Pop in store - see the range.

994 days ago

Fried Chicken or War Goddesses?


As partners of the Elemental festival, Stuff Travel is giving away 2 amazing packages! For each you'll win 2 nights of luxury stay at Fable Auckland with a welcome dinner and daily breakfasts. You'll also get tickets to either the Takurua - Nafanua, The War Goddess or the Auckland Fried … View moreAs partners of the Elemental festival, Stuff Travel is giving away 2 amazing packages! For each you'll win 2 nights of luxury stay at Fable Auckland with a welcome dinner and daily breakfasts. You'll also get tickets to either the Takurua - Nafanua, The War Goddess or the Auckland Fried Chicken Festival.

Flights included for those out of Auckland.
Enter now

994 days ago


Chris from Maunu

Selling this unit, on castors, which matches side tables also for sale. 60cm x 50cm x 40cm high.

Price: $35

994 days ago

Shower Door - New and Unused

Chris from Maunu

Selling an unused shower door. Sizes as per label.

Price: $200

994 days ago

Citrus for the South 2022 - A Lions Club Project

Asael from Central Whangarei

Supported by Gary Younger, One Agency Real Estate.

Lions Clubs are asking residents of Whangarei & Districts to check out their citrus trees, in particular sweet oranges & lemons for fruit to send to the people of Christchurch, Dunedin & Clyde + Districts.
Supported by Gary Younger, One Agency Real Estate.

Lions Clubs are asking residents of Whangarei & Districts to check out their citrus trees, in particular sweet oranges & lemons for fruit to send to the people of Christchurch, Dunedin & Clyde + Districts.
COLLECTION POINTS... SUNDAY 3rd JULY 2022.... 8.30am to 2pm.

Bring your freshly picked citrus to the:
3. THE SPORTS COMPLEX AT NGUNGURU from 9.30am to 1pm

Mainfreight in Whangarei have again kindly agreed to pay for a shipment of banana boxes full of citrus from Whangarei to the South Island.
Your gifts will be delivered to fruit and vege co-ops for distribution. There are now 30 distribution sites around Christchurch with 2300 or more active members. Some will go on to Dundin & Clyde districts for distribution.

You can email Terry: ward41@xtra.co.nz, phone 435 0654 or
Gary: gary@oneagencywhangarei.co.nz, phone 021 467 514
Please contact us if you have an queries.

A popular Lions Clubs project
Supported by Gary Younger, One Agency Real Estate

994 days ago

Insect house

The Team from Resene ColorShop Whangarei

Build a cosy bug hotel to hang in a quiet corner of your garden and paint it in your favourite Resene hues.

Find out how to create your own.

995 days ago

Do you have a great tamarillo recipe?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Dear neighbours,

Every month, NZ Gardener runs a series of tested reader recipes using a seasonal crop. We are now on the hunt for tamarillo recipes, so send your best ones to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz before July 8, 2022.

Every published recipe wins a copy of our special edition Homegrown … View more
Dear neighbours,

Every month, NZ Gardener runs a series of tested reader recipes using a seasonal crop. We are now on the hunt for tamarillo recipes, so send your best ones to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz before July 8, 2022.

Every published recipe wins a copy of our special edition Homegrown Recipes.

996 days ago

Time to escape your neighbourhood?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Are you overdue a getaway? You could win a 13-day Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer South Island Rail & Coach tour by participating in Neighbourly’s 8th birthday celebration.

To enter the competition, just tell us what you love about your neighbourhood. It could be your favourite spot, a … View more
Are you overdue a getaway? You could win a 13-day Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer South Island Rail & Coach tour by participating in Neighbourly’s 8th birthday celebration.

To enter the competition, just tell us what you love about your neighbourhood. It could be your favourite spot, a beautiful view, or something that makes you smile. You could be in for a once-in-a-lifetime getaway!
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