Wadestown, Wellington

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1125 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend

Reporter Community News

Another lovely pic from Andrew Gorrie. For a change please suggest some captions of what the feasting kereru is thinking?

1122 days ago

Modern computer desk & chair - 250 ONO

Sera from Thorndon

Selling cheap as I'm moving. Pickup ASAP at Thorndon.


1122 days ago

March 2022 Wadestown Fair - Cancelled

Greg Hyland from Highland Park Residents Association (HPPA)

March 2022 Wadestown Fair is... as we was probably expected but now official - Event Cancelled. Fingers crossed Covid is on the way out by 2023. Take care everyone.

- Greg on behalf of HPPA and the Wadestown Residents Assn's.

1123 days ago

SPCA Pet of the Day: Meet Hana

Reporter Community News

"My family could no longer look after me, so now I am looking for a new family. I am sweet when it suits, I look adorable and my caregivers tell me I am, but if I have had enough fuss, or I see another cat, I have another side. I am looking for someone who can speak cat, who can read cat, and … View more"My family could no longer look after me, so now I am looking for a new family. I am sweet when it suits, I look adorable and my caregivers tell me I am, but if I have had enough fuss, or I see another cat, I have another side. I am looking for someone who can speak cat, who can read cat, and loves me for who I am. I hate other cats, and would probably make a dog's life unpleasant. I am looking for a home with older children, or just adults, who will love me for who I am. If you are still reading this, then please click apply now so my caregivers can find out more about you, and can make you an appointment to come and meet me."

1124 days ago

SPCA pet update: Lola

Reporter Community News

"We adopted this sweet girl, who now is called Lola. She is absolutely cheeky, playful and full of life. She’s so good with toileting and eating. She naps for super short periods and then has way too much energy 😂 She has settled in well to our home and has certainly made it her own. Lola… View more"We adopted this sweet girl, who now is called Lola. She is absolutely cheeky, playful and full of life. She’s so good with toileting and eating. She naps for super short periods and then has way too much energy 😂 She has settled in well to our home and has certainly made it her own. Lola finds our rainbow lorikeet very interesting and has tried many times to make friends with him. She’s growing way too fast for my liking in the three weeks we’ve had her."

1123 days ago

Onion Face

Deirdre from Wilton

Onion Face

1124 days ago

Pet of the Day: Henry

Reporter Community News

Henry the one-year-old pug has a message he wants you all to think about. He belongs to Yvonne Guy from Te Aro.

Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on yourpet@dompost.co.nz with a recent photo. Please remember to say which suburb you live in.

1123 days ago

Homed Dominion Post - Out Now!

Jessica Zimmerman Reporter from Homed - Dominion Post

Our House of the Week this week is a four-bedroom character home next to the Botanic Gardens. On offer through Nicholas Reeve and Pano Focas from Harcourts.

Looking for an agent to market your home?
Check Homed Dominion Post to find agents who are actively marketing in your area and chat to … View more
Our House of the Week this week is a four-bedroom character home next to the Botanic Gardens. On offer through Nicholas Reeve and Pano Focas from Harcourts.

Looking for an agent to market your home?
Check Homed Dominion Post to find agents who are actively marketing in your area and chat to them about getting your property featured in the Homed Dominion Post.

Distribution & Delivery:
Homed Dominion Post gets inserted into The Dominion Post, and is delivered to subscribers every Saturday. It is also available in Supermarkets, Dairies and Petrol Stations for customers to buy.

For more information:
Please ask your agent to contact Cameron Beattie on 021 973 105 or cameron.beattie@stuff.co.nz OR Niko Perez on 021 501 913 or niko.perez@stuff.co.nz

Not receiving your weekly delivery?
Please phone 0800 339000 or e mail distribution@stuff.co.nz

1123 days ago

Stump removal from $280 for th

Price Smart from

Getting a tree stump out of the ground is an almost impossible undertaking without the correct equipment, knowledge and experience. Using the safest and most up to date equipment for removing stumps, we are experienced in stump removals on residential and commercial structures.
Give us a call at … View more
Getting a tree stump out of the ground is an almost impossible undertaking without the correct equipment, knowledge and experience. Using the safest and most up to date equipment for removing stumps, we are experienced in stump removals on residential and commercial structures.
Give us a call at 027 252 1771 or go to www.pricesmart.co.nz... to organize a site visit.

1123 days ago

Stump removal from $280

Price Smart from

Getting a tree stump out of the ground is an almost impossible undertaking without the correct equipment, knowledge and experience. Using the safest and most up to date equipment for removing stumps, we are experienced in stump removals on residential and commercial structures.
Give us a call at … View more
Getting a tree stump out of the ground is an almost impossible undertaking without the correct equipment, knowledge and experience. Using the safest and most up to date equipment for removing stumps, we are experienced in stump removals on residential and commercial structures.
Give us a call at 027 252 1771 or go to www.pricesmart.co.nz... to organize a site visit.

1124 days ago

Hunger for Colour – Swap food for a FREE Resene testpot!


Bring 2 cans of food into your local Resene ColorShop and swap them for 1 Resene testpot (60-80ml).

Resene will then donate all the food brought in to The Salvation Army local foodbanks.

By adding a little more colour to your life you can also help those in need. When you bring in 2 cans of … View more
Bring 2 cans of food into your local Resene ColorShop and swap them for 1 Resene testpot (60-80ml).

Resene will then donate all the food brought in to The Salvation Army local foodbanks.

By adding a little more colour to your life you can also help those in need. When you bring in 2 cans of food you'll save on your testpot purchase (save up to $5.90 on an 80ml testpot) while also helping provide disadvantaged Kiwis with food parcels when they need them most.

So start gathering up those cans and bring them into your local Resene owned ColorShop.
Find out more

1124 days ago

Artistic shopping bag

The Team from Resene ColorShop Thorndon

Less is best – plastic that is. So what better way to help the environment than to create your own fun, reusable calico shopping bag? Paint your own with Resene testpots.

Find out how to create your own.

1124 days ago

NO Karori Lions Karnival this year

Tom Neighbourly Lead from Karori

I guess it will come as no surprise to anyone, but the Lions Club of Karori has taken the unprecedented step of cancelling our annual Karori Lions Karnival which was to have been held on Sunday 20th of February. Several thousand people, young and old, normally attend this event, and the club is … View moreI guess it will come as no surprise to anyone, but the Lions Club of Karori has taken the unprecedented step of cancelling our annual Karori Lions Karnival which was to have been held on Sunday 20th of February. Several thousand people, young and old, normally attend this event, and the club is very conscious of the disappointment that will be felt by everyone who would have taken part - either as stall holders, or their customers - this year. Our apologies to you all!
We will, of course, continue with activities and events that can be safely held under the relevant "Traffic Light" rules in force at the time - so please look out for them so you can all continue to support the club and the various organisations and individuals in our community that we will be helping.

1124 days ago


Lorna Harvey from Age Concern Wellington Region

Good morning! We have lots of useful information in our e-newsletter... Click here for the latest news and information from Age Concern Wellington Region: dashboard.vega.works...

1125 days ago

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

The Team from Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Wellington

A Life Beyond Food and Addiction
I don’t remember being obsessed with food when I was very young, the way I was to become. I remember starting to eat at any opportunity I could get. I would arrive home early at meal times to check what was in the pans. Saturday afternoons were spent baking, … View more
A Life Beyond Food and Addiction
I don’t remember being obsessed with food when I was very young, the way I was to become. I remember starting to eat at any opportunity I could get. I would arrive home early at meal times to check what was in the pans. Saturday afternoons were spent baking, while my friends were out shopping. I went on to develop a love for raw cake batter and butter icing and I would make it up when I was desperate for food. Once I started getting money, I would buy sweets and secretly eat them. Meal times were awful, I never felt fulfilled.
