Heretaunga, Upper Hutt

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2265 days ago

In 2019, commit to making a difference in your community

Julia de Ruiter from The Salvation Army NZ

In 2019, make a resolution to donate to The Foodbank Project that will make you feel good and will make a real difference in your community. It's easy to set up a recurring donation online for the frequency and amount that you choose.

Instead of doing something for herself this New Year (and… View more
In 2019, make a resolution to donate to The Foodbank Project that will make you feel good and will make a real difference in your community. It's easy to set up a recurring donation online for the frequency and amount that you choose.

Instead of doing something for herself this New Year (and struggling to keep the resolution), Ingrid is signing up to The Foodbank Project to donate a Small Family Bundle each month because it's a resolution she knows she can keep. Watch Ingrid's video here:

Learn more and donate here:

2267 days ago

*WIN* with Canon and Stuff!


Showcase your best photography and you could WIN one of six $2,000 Canon vouchers. Enter your photo into one of six categories:

- Great Outdoors
- People and Communities
- Kiwi Summer
- Thrill and Adventure
- Urban Life
- Bach and Backyard

Our favourite entries will be published in … View more
Showcase your best photography and you could WIN one of six $2,000 Canon vouchers. Enter your photo into one of six categories:

- Great Outdoors
- People and Communities
- Kiwi Summer
- Thrill and Adventure
- Urban Life
- Bach and Backyard

Our favourite entries will be published in your local newspaper and on
Find out more!

2267 days ago


Michael from Ebdentown

Hi I posted this yesterday but couldn’t figure out how to add photos so am loading photos here for the same ad.
Call me on 027 479 4556 to arrange pick up. Cheers Mike


2281 days ago

Contributions sought for lovely Goose

Michael from Pinehaven

Silverstream has a famous community goose who has set up home alongside the Reformed Church complex. He/she can wander off whenever he likes but Mr Goose/Goosie Loosie has decided to stay put and made absolutely sure over the last three months that a group of ducklings survived the presence of rats… View moreSilverstream has a famous community goose who has set up home alongside the Reformed Church complex. He/she can wander off whenever he likes but Mr Goose/Goosie Loosie has decided to stay put and made absolutely sure over the last three months that a group of ducklings survived the presence of rats to reach sufficient maturity.

Goosie Loosie is friendly, talkative and quite loveable. She/he has 'reached" out to people passing by day and night.

The goose is being fed by neighbourhood people. PLEASE DONT GIVE HIM/HER BREAD. Duck food, shredded lettuce leaves, the shredded leaves of cauliflower and other similar food is appreciated. Note - not the stalks. Interestingly though, some geese kill rats and mice - they apparently swallow them whole.

Now here is the thing - I think a vet should take a look at Goosie Loosie because he/she is in a somewhat straggly condition which may be more than just clipped wings and I want to see if any people on Neighbourly are willing to fork out a gold coin or a $5 note inorder to gather in sufficient funds for a vet at the Silverstream clinic to take a proper and professional look.

If you are willing to contribute, contact me

Michael Romanos JP
5285861 or email:

2269 days ago

Desperate for a change? But don’t know where to start….

Prosper by Design

We might just have the answer for you!

We are part of a global business, which has been operating since 2008, and this is the change that you’ve been looking for.

The awesome people who want to build a fantastic 2019 with us, will be looking for:

🎅 An opportunity to learn from … View more
We might just have the answer for you!

We are part of a global business, which has been operating since 2008, and this is the change that you’ve been looking for.

The awesome people who want to build a fantastic 2019 with us, will be looking for:

🎅 An opportunity to learn from successful and empowering entrepreneurs
🎅 A great business model with a simple three-step business process
🎅 A system that comes with an established back office, which does a lot of the hard work

For more information – visit our website.

If you’re still undecided whether this is for you, we’ll send you our Transformation Guide to help inspire you!

We can’t wait to connect with you!
Learn more

2269 days ago

Poll: What's your New Year resolution?

Reporter Sunday Star Times

Tell us about your New Year resolution. How are you going to make 2019 better for yourself, your friends, family and community?

What's your New Year resolution?
  • 2.8% Eat better
    2.8% Complete
  • 12.1% Lose a kilo or three
    12.1% Complete
  • 10.2% Get up, get out and exercise more
    10.2% Complete
  • 5.8% Take care of myself (eg getting more sleep)
    5.8% Complete
  • 2.6% Quit the cigarettes
    2.6% Complete
  • 1.5% Cut down on the booze
    1.5% Complete
  • 3% Spend less money
    3% Complete
  • 1.6% Read more books
    1.6% Complete
  • 2% Learn a new skill, take up a hobby
    2% Complete
  • 2.8% Get a new job
    2.8% Complete
  • 1.9% Advance my career
    1.9% Complete
  • 2.3% Make more money
    2.3% Complete
  • 1% Spend less time online, eg social media
    1% Complete
  • 1.2% Spend less time at work
    1.2% Complete
  • 1.1% Make more environmentally-friendly choices
    1.1% Complete
  • 2.7% Get out and enjoy NZ's natural environment more
    2.7% Complete
  • 1.9% Make new friends/neighbours
    1.9% Complete
  • 0.4% Focus more on my appearance
    0.4% Complete
  • 3.3% Concentrate on my relationship/family
    3.3% Complete
  • 0.8% Go on more dates
    0.8% Complete
  • 0.1% Focus less on my appearance
    0.1% Complete
    39.1% Complete
1857 votes
2279 days ago

Bed legs

Abigail from Clouston Park - Kingsley Heights

Does anyone have any queen bed legs? Preferably 4-6
Will pay for them if needed, my bed base and mattress is currently on the floor but would like some bed legs to lift it up. Cheers
