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The Team from NZ Compare
What an incredible turnout! Over 1360 Household Heroes were nominated by all of you for a chance to win a fabulous $350!
We know our nation is full of amazing Kiwis who keep things running at home, and you're all heroes!
But the real question is, did you win? Find out who's walking … View moreWhat an incredible turnout! Over 1360 Household Heroes were nominated by all of you for a chance to win a fabulous $350!
We know our nation is full of amazing Kiwis who keep things running at home, and you're all heroes!
But the real question is, did you win? Find out who's walking away with $350 towards their Broadband and Power bill!
Stay connected with NZ Compare for the latest broadband and power deals and exciting competitions. We're all about making it easy for you to compare and save money! CLICK HERE to learn more:
Michael from Trentham
The life-changing damage done to an elderly woman in the Nelson area a day or so ago by a cyclist peddling into her whilst she walked on a normal pedestrian footpath, strikes home the fact that cyclists must keep off the pavements and ride their bikes on the sides of the roads or in cycle lanes or … View moreThe life-changing damage done to an elderly woman in the Nelson area a day or so ago by a cyclist peddling into her whilst she walked on a normal pedestrian footpath, strikes home the fact that cyclists must keep off the pavements and ride their bikes on the sides of the roads or in cycle lanes or on cycle tracks.
Cycling is illegal on footpaths in NZ apart from the likes of postal services and young children's bikes and trikes. But the laws or local council regulations regarding this are not enforced.
Pavements are for people walking and jogging, for people with dogs, for people in wheelchairs and for people who might be unstable or disabled.
Kids scooters, skate boards and roller skates are bad enough and don't get me "talking" about escooters which should be off everything.
There are as many nasty and thoughtless cyclists as there are drivers of vehicles on a proportional basis. At the very least cyclists should have warning bells or horns attached to their handle bars and operated loud enough for people of all sorts to hear.
I am a cyclist (with a racing bike and a rough surfaces bike), a motorist, a jogger, a hiker and a dog walker.
Brian from Maoribank
On tomorrow (Saturday) at the King Lion Hall, King St Upper Hutt from 8am, selling ever popular Jams, Sauces, Plants and Lemons. Also Quality clothing, Household things, Books, Toys, Jigsaws, Crafts and Die cast models. Good parking for early birds.
The Team from Heart Foundation NZ
Whip up this heart smart spring chicken stir-fry for World Heart Day. Packed with fresh veggies, tender chicken, and a zesty stir-fry sauce, this dish is both flavourful and nutritious.
The Team from Resene ColorShop Upper Hutt
Use Resene paint and plants to create a bee-friendly corner.
Find out how.
Wellington Water from Wellington Water
UPDATE - 3:30pm
Our team have identified the issue, and water has now been restored.
Please run a cold tap for a few minutes to clear any air pockets or cloudy water from the pipes before using hot taps, dishwashers and washing machines.
Kia ora Crofton… View moreUPDATE - 3:30pm
Our team have identified the issue, and water has now been restored.
Please run a cold tap for a few minutes to clear any air pockets or cloudy water from the pipes before using hot taps, dishwashers and washing machines.
Kia ora Crofton Downs,
Our crews have responded to reports of residents experiencing no water across Crofton Downs as well as Warwick Street, Wilton.
Our crews are investigating, and we will update this post with more information once we've identified the cause.
Want to receive automatic notifications of incidents in your area?
Text ‘HELLO’ to 8090 to register for text updates, or see for emails.
Wellington Water from Wellington Water
Our crews have responded to a burst pipe on Marine Drive, this afternoon.
This is affecting Marine Drive from #624 towards and including Eastbourne township. We have had to turn the water off in this area to repair the burst pipe. We expect service to be interrupted for 4-5 hours (6 - 7 pm)
… View moreOur crews have responded to a burst pipe on Marine Drive, this afternoon.
This is affecting Marine Drive from #624 towards and including Eastbourne township. We have had to turn the water off in this area to repair the burst pipe. We expect service to be interrupted for 4-5 hours (6 - 7 pm)
Our crews are working to fix this as soon as they can, thank you for your patience.
We'll keep this post updated with the latest info.
Want to receive automatic notifications of incidents in your area?
Text ‘HELLO’ to 8090 to register for text updates, or see for emails.
Michael from Trentham
Good news for the Labour-Greens Government is going to do little for them come the elections in less than 3 weeks.
The recession is over - as if we even felt there was one.
PM Hipkins performed reasonably well in the rather poorly moderated leader's debate against Chris Luxon even though… View moreGood news for the Labour-Greens Government is going to do little for them come the elections in less than 3 weeks.
The recession is over - as if we even felt there was one.
PM Hipkins performed reasonably well in the rather poorly moderated leader's debate against Chris Luxon even though the latter had the best lines (including Labour's election promise of taking GST off fruit and veggies was "saving the public a few cents on carrots and beans"). I hold Luxon under suspicion of being something else other than what he is attempting to portray.
The NZ Warriors have gone into Sunday's play -off to get into the NRL grand final with a huge win last Saturday when it seemed all of NZ and most of Australia were watching the match.
The AB's have restored much of their mana against Namibia in pool play in the William Ellis Rugby World Cup.
These major successes in sport in a sporting nation are always going to boost the Government of the time in raising a 'feel good" emotion.
But no matter what at this juncture is going to change the fate of the 2023 general elections. I am going to win the two bottles of wine bet I have had from last year.
Forgettable Labour MP, Greg O'Connor who holds the Ohariu seat has already conceded defeat for his party at the polls. But he managed to cast a gloom in predicting Wellingtonian Nicola Willis is likely to be the Finance Minister. Of course she is. Willis will spearhead the plan for job losses in the Wellington region including many workers living in Upper Hutt in slicing public service jobs by many hundreds if not thousands and severely trimming funding as a National Government has done previously.
Meanwhile: UP THE WAHS
The Team from
We want to see your game-day photos and we have prizes to give away!
Whether you're getting dressed up in your All Blacks finest, have an impressive rugby-themed snack collection or have made a Rugby World Cup shrine in your living room, we want to see it all on Neighbourly!
To be in to… View moreWe want to see your game-day photos and we have prizes to give away!
Whether you're getting dressed up in your All Blacks finest, have an impressive rugby-themed snack collection or have made a Rugby World Cup shrine in your living room, we want to see it all on Neighbourly!
To be in to win, simply post your photo on Neighbourly along with the word: RWCfan
Go, Team!
The Team from Wellington District Police
Police will be highly visible across Wellington city from today with extra police staff redeployed from across the country, ahead of anticipated protest activity heading to Parliament grounds tomorrow.
We know that over the past few days several groups have been moving across the country in … View morePolice will be highly visible across Wellington city from today with extra police staff redeployed from across the country, ahead of anticipated protest activity heading to Parliament grounds tomorrow.
We know that over the past few days several groups have been moving across the country in support of a variety of protest causes, most of which are planning to end at Parliament grounds tomorrow.
Police will have a clearer picture of the numbers involved later today as protest groups move closer to Wellington.
Our planning for this has been underway for several weeks, and we are now well placed to respond to a number of, and range of, scenarios. Last year’s Parliamentary occupation provided some helpful learnings for us as an organisation.
Staff numbers have been boosted across all shifts in the district for next two days with more than 80 staff specifically trained in Public Order Policing mobilised to support Wellington district staff.
The focus for Police this week has been on talking to local residents and businesses as well as local iwi and agencies across the government sector.
Road closures are now in place around Parliament, with Molesworth Street and neighbouring streets closed, or operating with restricted access. Parliament has been deemed a no-fly zone, which also prohibits drones.
Our focus has been on ensuring buses and trains are able to operate as normal, and that disruption for local residents and businesses is minimal.
For those coming to march and protest at Parliament, we respect people’s right to demonstrate peacefully in support of their cause, but we are prepared to take enforcement action if it stops being peaceful.
We will have a very low tolerance for any structures being set up on the grounds, and we do have the ability to mobilise additional staff quickly if required. Tow trucks will be on stand-by in the city.
There may be some incidents on which we will need follow up as enquiries later.
To that end, we are keen to have the public’s assistance – to help be our eyes and ears, particularly on Lambton Quay, during the march to Parliament. We will likely want to see any video footage of unlawful activity, and people can report this through 105. But we are also asking that people don’t intervene or compromise their own safety.
It is an important part of our democracy that we preserve people’s right to protest. In the end, our hope is that people come to our city, to have their say on Parliament grounds, and then to leave peacefully.
The Team from
We can all appreciate a good family cat but cats aren't known for toeing the line. New Zealand currently has no national cat management plan, allowing domestic and stray cats to roam and breed as they please. This can lead to the death of native species, not to mention … View moreWe can all appreciate a good family cat but cats aren't known for toeing the line. New Zealand currently has no national cat management plan, allowing domestic and stray cats to roam and breed as they please. This can lead to the death of native species, not to mention creating nuisance for neighbours. Do you think some laws should be in place for our feline friends?
Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the We Say You Say column of your local paper.
304 replies (Members only)
Subscribe to NZ Gardener this month and receive a Free Earths Botanics Gardeners Hand Cream worth $24 thanks to Matakana Botanicals. It’s hand cream made by gardeners, for gardeners. This offer is only available until October 1, so get in quick. T&Cs apply.
Every issue of NZ Gardener is … View moreSubscribe to NZ Gardener this month and receive a Free Earths Botanics Gardeners Hand Cream worth $24 thanks to Matakana Botanicals. It’s hand cream made by gardeners, for gardeners. This offer is only available until October 1, so get in quick. T&Cs apply.
Every issue of NZ Gardener is packed with amazing New Zealand stories, plus subscribers save money every month!
Happy Gardening,
The team at NZ Gardener
Subscribe now
The Team from NZ Compare
Have a poppa, nan, koro, grandma or g'dad who rocks the digital world?
Nominate them to WIN a $150 Prezzy® card! Nominate them now and tell us why they deserve to WIN.
Compare broadband and power bills with NZ Compare to save big and stay connected in the digital world.
*Entries … View moreHave a poppa, nan, koro, grandma or g'dad who rocks the digital world?
Nominate them to WIN a $150 Prezzy® card! Nominate them now and tell us why they deserve to WIN.
Compare broadband and power bills with NZ Compare to save big and stay connected in the digital world.
*Entries close 2 Oct 2023.
Compare now
The Team from Heart Foundation NZ
A heart-healthy diet doesn't have to mean you give up dessert entirely. Our chocolate brownie is deliciously rich, easy to make and sure to be a hit for the entire whānau. Try it for yourself today!
94 replies (Members only)
Michael from Trentham
The problem with PM Chris Hipkins is he has difficulties being comfortable around strangers, talking small talk and being relatable. This assessment came from a leading political commentator.
In contrast National Party leader, Chris Luxon has no issues in this regard and is more along the lines… View moreThe problem with PM Chris Hipkins is he has difficulties being comfortable around strangers, talking small talk and being relatable. This assessment came from a leading political commentator.
In contrast National Party leader, Chris Luxon has no issues in this regard and is more along the lines in acting personable as a John Key or Jacinda Ardern.
I first saw Hipkins in person some 12 years ago just before a general election when he brushed past me and my Corgi, Taylor when we were fortnightly meet-the-residents visitors at the Heretaunga Retirement & Rest Home.
He was campaigning but ignored me and Taylor as if we were both not potential voters and it was an everyday thing to see a Corgi in the lounge of such a place.
Whilst Hipkins won't be mainly responsible for Labour losing quiet soundly in the 2023 elections, his awkwardness and inability to resonate with people individually is a handicap.
18 replies (Members only)
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