Otumoetai, Tauranga

70 days ago

Product recalls updates

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

There's been a few product recalls over the past month. Make sure you're not using these at home!

Click on the title of the product to see all the details:
Volcom Stone Boys Youth Stone Changing Towel
3 in 1 Baby Stroller- sold at BabaBaby
Deluxe Adjustable Baby Walker
View more
There's been a few product recalls over the past month. Make sure you're not using these at home!

Click on the title of the product to see all the details:
Volcom Stone Boys Youth Stone Changing Towel
3 in 1 Baby Stroller- sold at BabaBaby
Deluxe Adjustable Baby Walker
Electric Leaf Swing Rocking Chair and Feeding Seat
Kubota Utility Vehicle
Wooden Co-Sleeper Bassinet Bed + Fold- Out Changing Table
Panda Mart Baby Doll
Stanley 1913 Switchback and Trigger Action cup

Hope this helps your household, neighbours.

71 days ago

Tauranga SeniorNet Club

David from Bethlehem

What's on at SeniorNet?

27th Jan a three week course for seniors on using LibreOffice. 

28th Jan. Android smartphones two courses. 
29th Jan Introduction to the iPad a four week course.
29th Jan Using your Computer a five week course.  
31st Jan 2hr workshop My Music for My … View more
What's on at SeniorNet?

27th Jan a three week course for seniors on using LibreOffice. 

28th Jan. Android smartphones two courses. 
29th Jan Introduction to the iPad a four week course.
29th Jan Using your Computer a five week course.  
31st Jan 2hr workshop My Music for My Car.  More information on the TaurangaSeniorNet Clubs website www.taurangaseniornet.co.nz

70 days ago

Woman@work Ltd Your local Gardeners,Landscaping Services

Debbie Julian from Woman@Work Ltd

Hello neighbors "We are back" into it "like a robbers dog" so to speak.
We are taking booking Now for February.
Give us a call on Jays phone

71 days ago

Garden stones

Barbara from Pyes Pa

7 bags of Daltons coarse 20-40mm grey stones, plus 1 bag of unused stones (just a few used).

Price: $35

99 days ago

Poll: Would you rather: Christmas in summer forever or winter forever?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Just a bit of a fun poll to get you thinking.

If you had to live out your Christmas days, would you prefer it was a summer Christmas or a winter Christmas?

Would you rather: Christmas in summer forever or winter forever?
  • 63.4% Summer
    63.4% Complete
  • 35.2% Winter
    35.2% Complete
  • 1.4% Other - I'll share below
    1.4% Complete
3049 votes
92 days ago

Best way to use leftovers?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

I'm sure you've got some excess ham at home or cold roast potatoes.

What are some of your favourite ways to use leftover food from Christmas day? Share below.

71 days ago

Buy, sell or swap school uniforms on Neighbourly

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

It's school uniform season, which means bringing school jerseys out of the wardrobe and realising they are now showing midriff. 🙈

If you're in need of new uniform items or have something to sell or giveaway. Post it on Neighbourly in our Buy, Sell or Free section!

71 days ago

2 weeks left to enter the Great Kiwi Quiz!

Kiwi Quizz

Don’t miss your chance to WIN a Weber® Lumin® BBQ Prize Pack, valued at $1098! Each pack includes: an electric BBQ, a stand with a side table, and a cover.

All you have to do is grab a copy of your local Stuff newspaper between 1 Jan - 28 Jan and participate in the Great Kiwi Quiz! Answer … View more
Don’t miss your chance to WIN a Weber® Lumin® BBQ Prize Pack, valued at $1098! Each pack includes: an electric BBQ, a stand with a side table, and a cover.

All you have to do is grab a copy of your local Stuff newspaper between 1 Jan - 28 Jan and participate in the Great Kiwi Quiz! Answer the daily New Zealand based questions, the more answers you enter correctly, the higher your chance of winning. For more information and to submit your answers, click here.

The team at Stuff
Find out more

85 days ago

We're talking new year resolutions...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Tidying the house before going to bed each night, meditating upon waking or taking the stairs at work.

What’s something quick, or easy, that you started doing that made a major positive change in your life?

71 days ago


David from Bethlehem

Mitsubishi Fridge-Freezer 356ltr for sale, excellent condition
reason for selling, we need a larger one,
(sorry I cant rotate photo)
ph 0273249777 or 07 5623707

Price: $375

72 days ago

Free to a good home,

Kevin from Bethlehem

Have a selection of UK plugs and adapters/timers free to anyone who is traveling over or may have use of them.

Pick up Bethlehem.

72 days ago

New year, new look?


Get big summer savings at Resene ColorShops! Bring out the best in your home with kiwi made Resene paints, colours and wood stains. Plus choose from a huge range of wallpaper and accessories. Find out more

72 days ago

Need to keep kids occupied?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

This one is for the members who have kids at home and still a few weeks of school holidays left.

There might be some ideas on here for when the sun isn't shining!

Click on the poster to enlarge it to see better.

72 days ago


Erin from Pyes Pa

This bold and beautiful flowering Mandevilla will flower continuously from spring to autumn. Can be trained to climb trail cascade or look beautiful in a pot by outdoor living areas. Height 1500 approx. 11 available. $60.ea. ph 0272446188 to view Pyes Pa

Price: $60
