Ngamahanga, Taihape

No scrub cleaning #resenetip

No scrub cleaning #resenetip

Clean outdoors without scrubbing. Just spray on Resene Deep Clean and leave it to work with the weather to give you a cleaner surface.

2390 days ago

How to get a good night's sleep?


Happy World Sleep Day neighbours! Or is it? At Patney we believe a good night’s sleep is key to finding the energy to live your life to the fullest, so on World Sleep Day we're here to talk about snoring!

Anyone can be affected by snoring, at any time in their lives. Patney’s founder … View more
Happy World Sleep Day neighbours! Or is it? At Patney we believe a good night’s sleep is key to finding the energy to live your life to the fullest, so on World Sleep Day we're here to talk about snoring!

Anyone can be affected by snoring, at any time in their lives. Patney’s founder Frances Anderson has experienced first-hand the impact snoring can have on your energy levels, confidence and happiness.

Frances spent years searching for an effective way to control her snoring, to no avail. Fed up and exhausted, Frances set out on a journey to create her own solution. The Patney sleep positioner is the result of an intensive research, development and testing process.

Frances sought independent validation of the Patney sleep positioner through the University of Otago. The independent study proved the Patney sleep positioner is an effective way to control snoring.

No one should have to put up with snoring. Take a look at Patney and experience the benefits a good night’s sleep can bring. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee, so on World Sleep Day you can celebrate having had a great night's sleep!
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