Snells Beach & Mahurangi East, Snells Beach

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1626 days ago

Tsunami siren test on 27 September

The Team from Auckland Council

Auckland’s tsunami siren test will take place at noon on Sunday 27 September 2020, coinciding with the start of daylight saving.

1627 days ago

Register now for Kerikeri Half Marathon

The Team from Cancer Society Auckland

Get involved in running the Half Marathon while enjoying the stunning countryside. The 21.1km course is mostly downhill starting in Okaihau and finishing in the Kerikeri Domain. This is a great community event for all experience levels running the 5K or 10K to your first half on Saturday, 21 … View moreGet involved in running the Half Marathon while enjoying the stunning countryside. The 21.1km course is mostly downhill starting in Okaihau and finishing in the Kerikeri Domain. This is a great community event for all experience levels running the 5K or 10K to your first half on Saturday, 21 November.

All funds you raise go towards supporting cancer patients and their whānau.
Register now

1629 days ago

Why 2021 will be the year of the long weekend

The Team Reporter from Stuff

Hey neighbours,

Good news – 2021 is set to be the year of the long weekend.

Five out of 10 public holidays will be Mondayised (or Tuesdayised in one case) next year, which means if you work a standard Monday to Friday week, you can look forward to some extended breaks.

In fact, once … View more
Hey neighbours,

Good news – 2021 is set to be the year of the long weekend.

Five out of 10 public holidays will be Mondayised (or Tuesdayised in one case) next year, which means if you work a standard Monday to Friday week, you can look forward to some extended breaks.

In fact, once you’ve tacked on the weekends, you’ll end up getting a whopping 25 days off out of those 10 stat days, plus your region’s anniversary day.

To find out how to get the most out of your annual leave next year, click here.

1628 days ago

Become a detective at Auckland Museum

The Team from Auckland Museum

Follow clues and discover which stories are fact or fake with the kids these school holidays! Start our free trail by grabbing a free copy of The Tāmaki Truth from the Museum entrance and guide yourself through the Museum to reveal secrets and stories.

Free with Museum entry, running until … View more
Follow clues and discover which stories are fact or fake with the kids these school holidays! Start our free trail by grabbing a free copy of The Tāmaki Truth from the Museum entrance and guide yourself through the Museum to reveal secrets and stories.

Free with Museum entry, running until Sunday 11 October – read more here.
Learn more

1628 days ago

Auckland Council states opposition to Dome Valley dump proposal

Caroline Williams Reporter from Rodney Times

Hi neighbours. Controversial plans to build a giant waste dump in the Dome Valley should be refused because of cultural and environmental concerns, Auckland Council says.

It is the first time Auckland Council has publicly come out in opposition of Chinese-owned private waste firm Waste … View more
Hi neighbours. Controversial plans to build a giant waste dump in the Dome Valley should be refused because of cultural and environmental concerns, Auckland Council says.

It is the first time Auckland Council has publicly come out in opposition of Chinese-owned private waste firm Waste Management’s plans for a landfill, on land between Warkworth and Wellsford.

Key issues looked at in a newly released report included cultural values, the impact on freshwater and the surrounding ecosystem, sedimentation and air pollution, environmental and human health risks, traffic safety and the rural character of the area.

“The reporting officer is recommending, subject to contrary or additional information being received at the [resource consent] hearing, that the application be refused,” the report stated.

A resource consent hearing is due to begin at the Warkworth Town Hall at 9.30 am on November 9.

1628 days ago

Do you get our free gardening ezine?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

In this week’s issue we say avocados are the fruit we all long to grow. It’s time to plant salad greens in containers, inspire junior gardeners, turn lawns into new garden beds and repot and feed hippeastrums.

We list 10 trees to plant to attract birds to your garden for shelter and a … View more
In this week’s issue we say avocados are the fruit we all long to grow. It’s time to plant salad greens in containers, inspire junior gardeners, turn lawns into new garden beds and repot and feed hippeastrums.

We list 10 trees to plant to attract birds to your garden for shelter and a year-round food supply. Plus go in the draw for fertiliser and soil enhancer from Fodda and there’s another chance to win Mr Fothergill’s ultimate garden pack.

Delivered every Friday to your email inbox, Get Growing digital magazine offers seasonal gardening advice from the NZ Gardener magazine's team of experts. Each week we answer all your burning questions on raising fruit and veges and tell you the top tasks to do in your backyard this weekend. Subscribe here:

1628 days ago

Paint a hat box

The Team from Resene ColorShop Warkworth

Turn a cardboard lidded hat box into a stylish piece of home décor using Resene testpots, with a tribal twist.

When painting with a tribal theme, throw perfection out the window and embrace crooked lines, texture, and less than perfect paint techniques to get a more organic result.

Make the most… View more
Turn a cardboard lidded hat box into a stylish piece of home décor using Resene testpots, with a tribal twist.

When painting with a tribal theme, throw perfection out the window and embrace crooked lines, texture, and less than perfect paint techniques to get a more organic result.

Make the most of this weekend with this easy step by step project idea from Resene. Find out how to create your own

1629 days ago

Harmony Circle is on!

Paula from Snells Beach & Mahurangi East

Annnd..... we're back! 😀
Harmony Circle – Guest Presenter Sunday 4th October
Glo Ramsay – Theta Healing & Change Catalyst

Venue; Community Hall, 2 Alnwick St (next door to Town Hall), Warkworth.
Open at 6.45pm for a 7pm start. $5 Koha – Harmony Circle is non-profit.

Glo will … View more
Annnd..... we're back! 😀
Harmony Circle – Guest Presenter Sunday 4th October
Glo Ramsay – Theta Healing & Change Catalyst

Venue; Community Hall, 2 Alnwick St (next door to Town Hall), Warkworth.
Open at 6.45pm for a 7pm start. $5 Koha – Harmony Circle is non-profit.

Glo will explain, and give a brief demo on ThetaHealing, showing how it can assist and enhance the creative manifesting power of your Mind, Body, Heart, Soul.
Glo’s connection to spirit, angels, and other celestial beings of light eventually guided her to a ThetaHealing practitioner for a healing 11 years ago, and she has never looked back.
Knowing immediately that she needed to discover more about this modality, she qualified as a certified practitioner of ThetaHealing and has since been in practise for over 10 years.
Her passion is helping people who are ready and willing to create positive change. From healing and clearing past trauma & pain, discovering their own inner gifts, setting goals & achieving the outcomes that they long to achieve in their own lives.
In addition to her skills with Thetahealing Glo has been clairvoyant and psychic for as long as she can remember and loves using Tarot or Oracle cards to bring clarity to the work she does.
And to top all that off she is also an author who has just published the first of 3 books in a series named #Shamebusters. Contact Glo on 027 363 8833.

Glo will be offering a FREE ONE HOUR Consultation to the winner of the free draw on the night!

Everyone welcome, this is an open group, come along if you can, look forward to seeing you there!
Contact us at or call/text 027 239 9182

1630 days ago

Happy New Zealand Sign Language Week!

The Team from

NZ Sign Language is unique to our country and is one of New Zealand's three official languages, so those are some great reasons to celebrate it!
Check out the Neighbourly team trying their hand at simple greetings that you could sign in your neighbourhood.

1632 days ago

Coronavirus is more of a reason to sort out the stadium

Todd Niall Reporter from Auckland Stuff

Hi Neighbours, It's easy to say things shouldn't be done because we need to focus on Covid-19 elimination, but maybe that's more of an argument to sort out the stadium plan. Read the story below.

1630 days ago

Qigong - Warkworth

Paula from Snells Beach & Mahurangi East

Qigong ("Chee Gong") for Health & Healing
9.30am Warkworth Town Hall (Mezzanine Room) every Friday morning.
Join us in this weekly class to learn this very effective practise of simple movements, mental focus, breathing and meditation.
No experience necessary and open to people of … View more
Qigong ("Chee Gong") for Health & Healing
9.30am Warkworth Town Hall (Mezzanine Room) every Friday morning.
Join us in this weekly class to learn this very effective practise of simple movements, mental focus, breathing and meditation.
No experience necessary and open to people of all ages & abilities.
Learn movements & techniques to enhance your natural ability to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Spring Forest Qigong provides the knowledge and tools to experience that every one of us is born a healer with a natural ability to help ourselves and others to heal.
$5 koha.
Contact Paula for further details, or to be kept informed of changes, on 027 239 9182

1630 days ago

W&F: Perfect Pairs

New Zealand School of Food & Wine

Perfect Pairs 2020 is a 5-course Tapas menu, enjoyed with a flight of boutique New Zealand guaranteed to whet your appetite.
This interactive workshop gives you the opportunity to explore the wines with each course and identify the best wine pairing based on your personal preferences.
The … View more
Perfect Pairs 2020 is a 5-course Tapas menu, enjoyed with a flight of boutique New Zealand guaranteed to whet your appetite.
This interactive workshop gives you the opportunity to explore the wines with each course and identify the best wine pairing based on your personal preferences.
The dishes include Palusami, Korean fried chicken and more.
Saturday, 3 Oct from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

1631 days ago

Auckland Heritage Festival near you

The Team from Auckland Council

26th September to 11th October. Learn about generations of famous and infamous Aucklanders, discover the stories of our oldest places and spaces, touch on our best-kept secrets and celebrate our heritage.

Auckland Heritage Festival 2020 presents a range of enlightening and intriguing events – … View more
26th September to 11th October. Learn about generations of famous and infamous Aucklanders, discover the stories of our oldest places and spaces, touch on our best-kept secrets and celebrate our heritage.

Auckland Heritage Festival 2020 presents a range of enlightening and intriguing events – some in person and some online. Choose from exhibitions, walks, talks, tours and activities for kids. Or look for events marked ONLINE to learn about our heritage from home!
Learn more

1631 days ago

Take part in Pots for Tots for Plunket with Resene!


Help us help Plunket support Kiwi kids and their families! Buy any Resene testpot with a colour name starting with P, O or T and Resene will donate $1 to Plunket.

The 10 most common birthdays all appear in the 13-day period from 22 September to 4 October! What better way to celebrate all these … View more
Help us help Plunket support Kiwi kids and their families! Buy any Resene testpot with a colour name starting with P, O or T and Resene will donate $1 to Plunket.

The 10 most common birthdays all appear in the 13-day period from 22 September to 4 October! What better way to celebrate all these new babies than supporting Plunket to support them.

Every qualifying testpot you buy = a $1 donation to Plunket!

Offer applies until 4 October 2020 at Resene owned ColorShops.
Learn more

1632 days ago

Have Your Say - Regional Parks Management Plan Review

The Team from Auckland Council

Arohaina ōu papa whenua ā-rohe? Kōrerotia āu whakaaro i mua atu 12 o Whiringa-a-Nuku 2020 👇
Love your regional parks? Have your say before 12 October 2020 👇
📷 Waitākere Ranges Regional Park
