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Have you received some great service from your local GP? What about a dentist or optometrist? Leave a review for them on the Whitecoat website and be in to win $3,000.
New Zealand’s first platform where you can search, rate, review and compare your local healthcare providers has arrived, and … View moreHave you received some great service from your local GP? What about a dentist or optometrist? Leave a review for them on the Whitecoat website and be in to win $3,000.
New Zealand’s first platform where you can search, rate, review and compare your local healthcare providers has arrived, and it’s called Whitecoat.
Find out more
Hi neighbours – Loud Shirt Day is coming up in September and it's time to use your power of LOUD for GOOD.
Izabella was born profoundly deaf and in the four years following her diagnosis, her parents' emotions of shock, being scared and overwhelmed have turned to amazement, surprise… View moreHi neighbours – Loud Shirt Day is coming up in September and it's time to use your power of LOUD for GOOD.
Izabella was born profoundly deaf and in the four years following her diagnosis, her parents' emotions of shock, being scared and overwhelmed have turned to amazement, surprise and hope - all thanks to Izabella's progress as a hearing and speaking child.
Izabella loves to sing and dance, she enjoys gymnastics, bike rides and playing with her older brothers. What are her superpowers I hear you ask? She's fierce, adventurous and caring!
Register to fundraise and help deaf children like Izabella listen and speak. You can also donate here on Givealittle. Thanks for your support!
Register now!
Variety is the children’s charity, helping to create brighter futures for Kiwi kids.Visit your local The Warehouse store and support this great cause by simply adding a $2 Scratch card or $1 donation to your purchase helping Kiwi kids with a chance at a better life.
The Warehouse, partnering … View moreVariety is the children’s charity, helping to create brighter futures for Kiwi kids.Visit your local The Warehouse store and support this great cause by simply adding a $2 Scratch card or $1 donation to your purchase helping Kiwi kids with a chance at a better life.
The Warehouse, partnering with you for a better community.
Don’t put up with loose or uncomfortable dentures. Come into your local Clinico Denture & Hearing clinic for a FREE denture health check. Get yourself dentures that function well and look amazing! Contact us today on 0800 11 23 24. We're offering $600 discount off new cosmetic dentures! Find out more!
Win 1 of 10 Stuff Pix vouchers to watch Avengers: Infinity War, simply by liking this post! Watch a dizzying array of Marvel cinematic universe heroes in the fight against their gravest threat yet, the result is thrilling.
You can rent Avengers: Infinity War on Stuff Pix today
Watch now
Just because it's cold outside, doesn't mean you have to stay blue! Your local Resene store is offering TWO Resene Cardholder offers for a limited time only.
1) Buy one Resene 60-80ml testpot, get one FREE.
2) And, get 25% off the normal price of Resene premium paints, sealers, … View moreJust because it's cold outside, doesn't mean you have to stay blue! Your local Resene store is offering TWO Resene Cardholder offers for a limited time only.
1) Buy one Resene 60-80ml testpot, get one FREE.
2) And, get 25% off the normal price of Resene premium paints, sealers, primers and wood stains 10L.
If you don’t have a Resene DIY card, sign up for your free card at your local Resene ColorShop or on the right here.
These paint offers are available until 10 September 2018. Find out more.
Find out more
Warwick from Springfield - Tihiotonga
Guitar. Samick. 1990. Excellent condition with new strings. In Springfield
Price: $100
The Team from
Heavy rain is forecast for the Bay of Plenty area today (20th Aug). A severe weather watch remains in place for the region after it was issued by the MetService last night. A complex low pressure system and associated fronts and troughs was expected to move east onto New Zealand from the Tasman Sea… View moreHeavy rain is forecast for the Bay of Plenty area today (20th Aug). A severe weather watch remains in place for the region after it was issued by the MetService last night. A complex low pressure system and associated fronts and troughs was expected to move east onto New Zealand from the Tasman Sea on Sunday, then across the country during Monday and Tuesday, followed by westerlies overnight Tuesday.”
The watch is for the possibility that rainfall accumulations could meet warning criteria in the eastern ranges of Bay of Plenty during Monday and early Tuesday.
People are advised to keep up to date with the latest forecasts in case parts of the Watch are upgraded to a full Warning, or other areas are added.
Area: The ranges of Bay of Plenty east of Opotiki
Valid: 12 hours from 11am to 11pm Monday
Forecast: Periods of heavy rain, and thunderstorms possible. Rainfall accumulations may approach warning amounts during this time.
Image and story credit: Sunlive
Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing
Exciting news! Our gorgeous bee-friendly September 2017 issue is up for Best Cover in the Magshop People's Choice Award 2018. We need your votes to come out on top! Click through the link to vote for us, and put yourself in the draw to win a De’longhi PrimaDonna coffee machine valued at … View moreExciting news! Our gorgeous bee-friendly September 2017 issue is up for Best Cover in the Magshop People's Choice Award 2018. We need your votes to come out on top! Click through the link to vote for us, and put yourself in the draw to win a De’longhi PrimaDonna coffee machine valued at $2,499.99, and two De’longhi Distinta Flair Breakfast packages valued at $419.98.
Got any great ways we can all help the environment? Any green tips, tricks or habits that others might not know about? Check out our page to see all the amazing entries we have received so far! Share your own and you could win one of 10 Countdown gift cards, worth $100 each! It’s all part of our … View moreGot any great ways we can all help the environment? Any green tips, tricks or habits that others might not know about? Check out our page to see all the amazing entries we have received so far! Share your own and you could win one of 10 Countdown gift cards, worth $100 each! It’s all part of our commitment to helping our environment thrive. Share tips now
Project Quality Solutions (PQS)
Hi neighbours, landlords, property managers, advocacy groups and tenants. With 18 years of experience in the New Zealand property industry, few are better placed than PQS to offer market leading advice, providing transparent outcomes for both renters and landlords.
Safe and Healthy Homes
… View moreHi neighbours, landlords, property managers, advocacy groups and tenants. With 18 years of experience in the New Zealand property industry, few are better placed than PQS to offer market leading advice, providing transparent outcomes for both renters and landlords.
Safe and Healthy Homes
Call PQS to check if your rental property is healthy, safe and secure and meets all current and upcoming legislative requirements.
Property Condition Assessments
Talk to PQS about a tailor-made software solution that has the flexibility to adapt to the constantly changing nature of property assessments, solving business problems with the smarter use of technology.
If you're a landlord, property manager, advocacy group or tenant - call us for help with all of your property needs. Let us find the right solution for you.
Phone PQS now on 09 271 6026 or visit the PQS website.
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