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Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing
Exciting news! Our gorgeous bee-friendly September 2017 issue is up for Best Cover in the Magshop People's Choice Award 2018. We need your votes to come out on top! Click through the link to vote for us, and put yourself in the draw to win a De’longhi PrimaDonna coffee machine valued at … View moreExciting news! Our gorgeous bee-friendly September 2017 issue is up for Best Cover in the Magshop People's Choice Award 2018. We need your votes to come out on top! Click through the link to vote for us, and put yourself in the draw to win a De’longhi PrimaDonna coffee machine valued at $2,499.99, and two De’longhi Distinta Flair Breakfast packages valued at $419.98.
Got any great ways we can all help the environment? Any green tips, tricks or habits that others might not know about? Check out our page to see all the amazing entries we have received so far! Share your own and you could win one of 10 Countdown gift cards, worth $100 each! It’s all part of our … View moreGot any great ways we can all help the environment? Any green tips, tricks or habits that others might not know about? Check out our page to see all the amazing entries we have received so far! Share your own and you could win one of 10 Countdown gift cards, worth $100 each! It’s all part of our commitment to helping our environment thrive. Share tips now
Project Quality Solutions (PQS)
Hi neighbours, landlords, property managers, advocacy groups and tenants. With 18 years of experience in the New Zealand property industry, few are better placed than PQS to offer market leading advice, providing transparent outcomes for both renters and landlords.
Safe and Healthy Homes
… View moreHi neighbours, landlords, property managers, advocacy groups and tenants. With 18 years of experience in the New Zealand property industry, few are better placed than PQS to offer market leading advice, providing transparent outcomes for both renters and landlords.
Safe and Healthy Homes
Call PQS to check if your rental property is healthy, safe and secure and meets all current and upcoming legislative requirements.
Property Condition Assessments
Talk to PQS about a tailor-made software solution that has the flexibility to adapt to the constantly changing nature of property assessments, solving business problems with the smarter use of technology.
If you're a landlord, property manager, advocacy group or tenant - call us for help with all of your property needs. Let us find the right solution for you.
Phone PQS now on 09 271 6026 or visit the PQS website.
Learn more
Dont put up with loose or uncomfortable Dentures. Come into one of Clinico’s 13 clinics for a FREE Denture health check, let our friendly team help you get well functioning cosmetic Dentures!
Call us today on 0800 11 23 24 we are also running our $600 off new Dentures deal during August.
Find out more!
The Team from
We need your help! These five amazing Community Project applicants are finalists in Round Two of the 2018 AMI Community Grants. Now it's up to you to decide who should receive a share of the funds. Read a little information about each Project and how your support will help them - and then cast… View moreWe need your help! These five amazing Community Project applicants are finalists in Round Two of the 2018 AMI Community Grants. Now it's up to you to decide who should receive a share of the funds. Read a little information about each Project and how your support will help them - and then cast your vote below. Voting closes Sunday 2 September.
The Team from
We need your help! These five amazing Organisation applicants are finalists in Round Two of the 2018 AMI Community Grants. Now it's up to you to decide who should receive a share of the funds. Read a little information about each Organisation and how your support will help them - and then cast… View moreWe need your help! These five amazing Organisation applicants are finalists in Round Two of the 2018 AMI Community Grants. Now it's up to you to decide who should receive a share of the funds. Read a little information about each Organisation and how your support will help them - and then cast your vote below. Voting closes Sunday 2 September
Susan from Lynmore
If you have fruit to spare please get in touch with Community Fruit Rotorua on 0274603394 or email! We would love to hear from ou!
Have you got your entry in for the Young Gardener of the Year Awards yet? It’s time for budding young gardeners across the country to share their passion for growing fresh, nutritious food!
Judged by Chef Al Brown and Gardener Dan Mackay, there are four categories that primary schools around … View moreHave you got your entry in for the Young Gardener of the Year Awards yet? It’s time for budding young gardeners across the country to share their passion for growing fresh, nutritious food!
Judged by Chef Al Brown and Gardener Dan Mackay, there are four categories that primary schools around the country can enter.
The T&G Passion for Growing Award is open to ALL primary schools nationwide that have a veggie garden to recognise gardening achievements.
Prizes for the winning school include a free online membership to the Garden to Table programme, a garden design by Dan Mackay, GARDENA accessories and a tree from T&G.
So encourage your local primary school to get stuck in, it’s super quick and easy to enter.
Supported by T&G and Garden to Table.
Find out more
Debbie Cunliffe from
Need to talk to someone about your diabetes?
The Diabetes Centre @ Graced is now open for free information, advice and support
Rikkilee from Rotorua Central
Carved dolphin made out of swamp kauri $500 ono
Debbie Cunliffe from
If you've been told your blood sugar is a 'bit high' or that you are at risk of 'pre-diabetes', then come down to the Diabetes Centre @ Graced (174 Eleventh Ave Tauranga) or ring our INFOline (07) 571 3422 and find out how you can avoid 'high sugar levels' … View moreIf you've been told your blood sugar is a 'bit high' or that you are at risk of 'pre-diabetes', then come down to the Diabetes Centre @ Graced (174 Eleventh Ave Tauranga) or ring our INFOline (07) 571 3422 and find out how you can avoid 'high sugar levels' becoming 'type two diabetes.'
Got any great ways we can all help the environment? Any green tips, tricks or habits that others might not know about? Share them on our page, and you could win one of 10 Countdown gift cards, worth $100 each! It’s all part of our commitment to helping our environment thrive. Share tips now
Debbie Cunliffe from
Come and find out about your risk of diabetes, chat about your diabetes or just have a cuppa. Find us at 174 Eleventh Ave Tauranga in the Graced Support Centre
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