Camborne, Porirua

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1414 days ago

Local Service you can trust

Gee & Hickton Funeral Directors

We're qualified local people who we have been serving Wellington families since 1946.

Gee & Hickton has a reputation for professional and caring service from our funeral directors and support staff who are passionate about going the extra mile to ensure families can have peace of mind … View more
We're qualified local people who we have been serving Wellington families since 1946.

Gee & Hickton has a reputation for professional and caring service from our funeral directors and support staff who are passionate about going the extra mile to ensure families can have peace of mind at what can be a very stressful time.

Our commitment is to listen, guide you through the options and then take care of the details to make the funeral service meaningful.

Visit us at 6 Norrie Street, Porirua or contact us at (04) 237 5332
Find out more

1414 days ago

Runny Honey

Rod from Hive World Honey

1KG Runny honey for sale 100% Pure. Ideal for cooking etc.
Call in to Hive World NZ
16 Wall Place Porirua.

Price: $15

1415 days ago

Projects underway in busy Kenepuru

Porirua City Council

Work is underway on a number of key projects in Kenepuru, to prepare for increased traffic flows from Transmission Gully and the city’s growth.

One of these projects is a shared pathway connecting Kenepuru Station with Bluff Road, designed to enhance the area for cyclists and pedestrians with… View more
Work is underway on a number of key projects in Kenepuru, to prepare for increased traffic flows from Transmission Gully and the city’s growth.

One of these projects is a shared pathway connecting Kenepuru Station with Bluff Road, designed to enhance the area for cyclists and pedestrians with a focus on improving safety and accessing public transport.

There is significant growth in this part of the city, with the new Kenepuru Landing development and the Summerset retirement village. The shared pathway – running in front of ESR to the bottom of Bluff Road – will have a crossing point across Kenepuru Drive to connect pedestrians and cyclists to the railway station.

Access to the station was enhanced last year, with improved lighting, resurfacing and a mural.

Work on the pathway should be complete by the middle of the year, weather-depending.

Upgrades are also underway in four other areas to make sure there’s continued safe access for all businesses and road users following the increased Transmission Gully traffic volumes:
• Raiha Street/Broken Hill Road: reducing the wide conflict area and the risk for all road users
• Raiha Street/Prosser Street: construction of a mountable roundabout to reduce speeds and near misses between vehicles
• Main Road/Wall Place: widening the intersection to reduce the delays for exiting traffic
• Kenepuru Drive Cycle Crossing Point: installing a new pedestrian and cycle crossing on Kenepuru Drive to provide a safe crossing point for northbound cyclists near Stream Bank walk/cycleway.

All projects have been designed with the input of local businesses and residents.

Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says all these key projects will enhance what is becoming a very busy part of the city. “This is all about equipping Porirua for growth,” she says, “and with Transmission Gully inching closer by the day, we’re getting ahead of it with these works. “We thank road users for their patience while we get this important work done.”

Follow: Facebook / Twitter Visit: Call: (04) 237 5089
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1418 days ago

Honey vs Sugar

Rod from Hive World Honey

Try honey in tea and coffee instead of sugar.

1418 days ago

Pet of the Day: Meet Marinela and Dragos

Reporter Community News

Florica Vasiliu, from Miramar, is the proud owner of brother and sister Marinela and Dragos.

"Here is a picture of Marinela and Dragos chilling out. Behind them is a picture of their distant relative that died in 2019."
Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on … View more
Florica Vasiliu, from Miramar, is the proud owner of brother and sister Marinela and Dragos.

"Here is a picture of Marinela and Dragos chilling out. Behind them is a picture of their distant relative that died in 2019."
Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on with a recent photo. Please remember to say what suburb you live in.

1417 days ago

SPCA Pet of the Day: Meet Ruthie

Reporter Community News

This week we have a lovely adoption update on Ruthie, who was recently adopted from Wellington SPCA.

"To say that adopting Ruthie has been an adjustment would be an understatement, to say the least.
We adopted her not long after our previous cat T passed away. So we went from having a big, … View more
This week we have a lovely adoption update on Ruthie, who was recently adopted from Wellington SPCA.

"To say that adopting Ruthie has been an adjustment would be an understatement, to say the least.
We adopted her not long after our previous cat T passed away. So we went from having a big, old man cat who didn't really do much to having Ruthie, who is much younger and much livelier to contend with.
When I adopted her, I was told that she was quite shy and timid, that was true for the first week or so she was at home with us, but now she is loud and 'in your face' and takes great joy in running up and down the hallway and playing with toys.
She also loves to yell for attention in the middle of the night, but we are hoping that now she is spending more time outside, she will sleep a bit more at night and stop waking us up so early in the morning. She is very talkative, makes lovely prrp noises when she doesn't feel like meowing at us.
While she is very different from our last cat, she is very loved and has settled in well to her new home. She's come out of her shell a lot in the last few weeks and is making us all very happy to have her around. Thank you so much for helping me find her. Grace (Ruthie's forever person)."

1416 days ago

Wellington Children’s Hospital

Rhondda Sweetman from Plimmerton Rotary

'It’s all about our children and grandchildren' and supporting the new Children’s Hospital, says Mike Doig in his report on last night's speakers.

Wellington’s third-generation children’s hospital is well underway and should open in November this year.

It follows the King … View more
'It’s all about our children and grandchildren' and supporting the new Children’s Hospital, says Mike Doig in his report on last night's speakers.

Wellington’s third-generation children’s hospital is well underway and should open in November this year.

It follows the King Edward VIIth Memorial Hospital, built in 1912, and its successor, opened in 1988, both of which were familiar to local Rotarians.

New Zealand will have three regional children’s hospitals: Starship in Auckland, our new one, and Christchurch. Each will specialise to some degree. The Wellington hospital will serve about one million citizens from Taranaki southwards to the top of the south island.

Last evening Bill Day, chair of the Wellington Hospitals Foundation, and Adrienne Murray, a former President of our club and now chair of the Rotary Children’s Health Trust, came to talk about the progress of the new hospital and Rotary’s part in it.

Bill is a former banker and has chaired the Life Flight Trust, Outward Bound, Wellington Free Ambulance, and has been a director of numerous other community organisations.

The new Children’s Hospital was made possible by a gift of $50 million from Mark Dunajtschik and Dorothy Spotswood, after whom the new building will be named.

Bill explained the design of the building with the aid of photos and plans. It will be innovative and state-of-the-art when completed.

Adrienne explained the fundraising aspects of the project. Our Rotary District has committed to raising $400,000 by March 2022 which will be used to provide two whanau rooms in the hospital. We are close to $170,000 so far, with our own club donating $2500.

The Rotary Children’s Health Trust was formed to support the building of the new hospital but will carry on afterwards to underwrite other child-centred health services in our region.

1417 days ago

Subscribe and receive a free gift

Sunday Star Times

Looking for the perfect Mother's Day treat?

From now until Mother's Day, subscribe to the Sunday Star-Times for 6 months and you will receive a free Antipodes skincare gift, valued at $115!

Follow the link, select the 6-month option and use the promo code SSTMOTHERSDAY at the … View more
Looking for the perfect Mother's Day treat?

From now until Mother's Day, subscribe to the Sunday Star-Times for 6 months and you will receive a free Antipodes skincare gift, valued at $115!

Follow the link, select the 6-month option and use the promo code SSTMOTHERSDAY at the checkout to redeem.

T&C's apply.
Subscribe Now

1418 days ago

Poll: Do you support council amalgamation?

Reporter Community News

Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta is carrying out a widespread review of local government. One of the issues that will inevitably be looked at is amalgamation.
Do you support amalgamating council's in the region.
Should Porirua, for instance, amalgamate with Wellington.
If you do not … View more
Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta is carrying out a widespread review of local government. One of the issues that will inevitably be looked at is amalgamation.
Do you support amalgamating council's in the region.
Should Porirua, for instance, amalgamate with Wellington.
If you do not want your comments used by Stuff, please put NFP.

Do you support council amalgamation?
  • 47.1% Yes
    47.1% Complete
  • 41.2% No
    41.2% Complete
  • 11.8% Not sure
    11.8% Complete
34 votes
1418 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend

Reporter Community News

This week we are using an Andrew Gorrie pick.

1421 days ago

Police seek witnesses to serious assault in Porirua

Reporter Community News

Police are seeking witnesses to a serious assault that occurred outside the Metro Sports Bat, Porirua, in the early hours of Sunday morning.
A man was attempting to break up a fight between a group of people outside the bar at 12.30am and was struck on the back of the head by another man.
He was … View more
Police are seeking witnesses to a serious assault that occurred outside the Metro Sports Bat, Porirua, in the early hours of Sunday morning.
A man was attempting to break up a fight between a group of people outside the bar at 12.30am and was struck on the back of the head by another man.
He was transported to Wellington Regional Hospital with critical injuries and remained in hospital in a serious condition.

*Information regarding the assault is asked to contact police on 105 quoting file number 210418/4368. Information can also be passed on anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

1421 days ago

Way Back Wednesday

Reporter Community News

What are your thoughts on the great flag debate that gripped the country in 2015?

1419 days ago

Metlink industrial action tomorrow

Wellington City Council

Metlink has now received formal notification from the Tramways Union, that there will be industrial action tomorrow on Metlink routes run by NZ Bus.

Affected routes are shown in the image below.

The industrial action will last from 4am tomorrow Friday 23 April until 4am Saturday 24 April, when … View more
Metlink has now received formal notification from the Tramways Union, that there will be industrial action tomorrow on Metlink routes run by NZ Bus.

Affected routes are shown in the image below.

The industrial action will last from 4am tomorrow Friday 23 April until 4am Saturday 24 April, when normal services will resume.

Metlink is asking customers to know before they go and plan alternative journeys if needed and to ensure you have signed up to MyMetlink and turned on notifications to stay up to date.

Metlink services run by our other bus operators, which make up the majority of our services, are scheduled to run as normal.

They will keep the Metlink website updated with the latest information.

1419 days ago

Bus drivers to strike for 24 hours

Wellington bus drivers are walking off the job tomorrow, taking strike action over pay and working conditions.

Members of the New Zealand Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Employee's Union voted 204-2 in favour of industrial action in a meeting last Wednesday.

Here's what you … View more
Wellington bus drivers are walking off the job tomorrow, taking strike action over pay and working conditions.

Members of the New Zealand Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Employee's Union voted 204-2 in favour of industrial action in a meeting last Wednesday.

Here's what you need to know:

- Strike action will start 4am, April 23 and will last 24 hours.
- There will be significant disruptions across the bus network, including service numbers: 2, 3 ,21, 22, 12, 12e, 13, 14, 18e, 20, 28, 30x, 31x, 33, 34, 34, 36,37,81, 83, 84, 85x, N2, N3, N8, and N88.
- Services run by rival operator Tranzurban will not be affected, including the number 1 and 7.

Wellington commuters are encouraged to keep up to date with the latest developments on Metlink's website.

1420 days ago

2021 Young employee award

Partners Porirua Trust

Is there a special young employee who you think deserves to be recognised?

> Have they made a special contribution to your business?
> Have they performed beyond your expectations?
> Do they bring a new way of thinking?


> The … View more
Is there a special young employee who you think deserves to be recognised?

> Have they made a special contribution to your business?
> Have they performed beyond your expectations?
> Do they bring a new way of thinking?


> The nominee’s employer, manager or supervisor
> The nominee must live or work in Porirua
> The nominee must be under 25 years of age as at 31 December 2021

> Application forms can be downloaded from:
> Applications close Monday 10th May 2021.
Find out more
