Todds Valley, Nelson

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1654 days ago

Camera charger

Rudy from Nelson

Has anyone a Canon EOS 20D (CB5L) charger? Thanks

1655 days ago

First home buying stories wanted

Kylie Klein Nixon Reporter from Homed

Hi everyone! I'm Kylie, a Homed reporter. We're looking for people who have fairly recent, interesting, unique or off-the-wall stories to tell about how they bought their first homes. Did you move away from your home just to find a more affordable property? Did you scrimp and save for … View moreHi everyone! I'm Kylie, a Homed reporter. We're looking for people who have fairly recent, interesting, unique or off-the-wall stories to tell about how they bought their first homes. Did you move away from your home just to find a more affordable property? Did you scrimp and save for years to get a deposit together? Perhaps your family chipped in to help get you on the ladder? Are you older and buying for the first time? Did you choose to move into a home with a friend or another couple to make it more affordable? Please let us know in the comments below, or drop me a line in the messages. Your comments my be used in a story, but we'd also be interested in chatting to you for an exciting project coming up!

1654 days ago

Better balance is easy!

The Team from ACC New Zealand

Maintaining your balance is key to enjoying life and avoiding falls. With the easy-to-use app called Nymbl, you can improve your balance and live falls free. You just need a smartphone or tablet.

With Nymbl you’ll use simple and safe body movements and easy brain challenges like trivia. … View more
Maintaining your balance is key to enjoying life and avoiding falls. With the easy-to-use app called Nymbl, you can improve your balance and live falls free. You just need a smartphone or tablet.

With Nymbl you’ll use simple and safe body movements and easy brain challenges like trivia. It’s a technique called dual-tasking and it’s proven to be effective, it’s also fun. Just 10 minutes a day in the comfort of your own home and you can be Nymbl.

Register now to get Nymbl free. Nymbl is brought to you by Live Stronger For Longer and ACC, MOH and HQSC.
Learn more

1655 days ago

Mental Health + Well-Being - September 1st to 30th 🧠🌸

The Team from Neighbourhood Support New Zealand

1 in 4 New Zealand adults will suffer from a mental disorder or distress at some point in their lives. When they do, let’s make sure they don’t have to go it alone. To create safer, more caring communities we need to not only look after ourselves but those around us as well.

For the month of … View more
1 in 4 New Zealand adults will suffer from a mental disorder or distress at some point in their lives. When they do, let’s make sure they don’t have to go it alone. To create safer, more caring communities we need to not only look after ourselves but those around us as well.

For the month of September, we want to use our voice to raise awareness for mental health and well-being. Perhaps consider sharing a cuppa with someone you know who could use the support or challenge your family and friends to unplug from social media for the entire month to improve their well-being. If you or someone you know is going through a rough patch, don’t forget you can call or text 1737 anytime for FREE support from a trained counsellor.

This month also coincides with World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10th) followed by Mental Health Awareness Week (21 - 27 September).

However you choose to take part, make sure to tag us in your posts + use the following hashtag so we can see how you’re cultivating better mental health for yourself or in your community this month:


1659 days ago

Zero tolerance on speeding drivers all year round as Kiwi cops get tough on motorists

The Team Reporter from Stuff

Hi neighbours,

Do you sometimes drive a few kms over the speed limit? Road police have scrapped their speed buffer on Kiwi roads in favour of a no tolerance approach.

All motorists edging over the limit at any time of the year can now expect to be pulled over and possibly fined, national road … View more
Hi neighbours,

Do you sometimes drive a few kms over the speed limit? Road police have scrapped their speed buffer on Kiwi roads in favour of a no tolerance approach.

All motorists edging over the limit at any time of the year can now expect to be pulled over and possibly fined, national road policing manager Acting Superintendent Gini Welch confirmed on Friday.

It brings an end to a long-standing convention that law enforcement would let minor speeding breaches slide.

“We don’t have a threshold,” Welch told Stuff, “we don’t have anything other than the speed limit.

Previously, besides zero tolerance long weekends, it was understood police could exercise discretion up to 10kmh over the speed limit.

Click here to read more.

1655 days ago

September Special

Charlie from Room2Rent Cabins

Free Local Delivery during September.

1656 days ago

Ink Jet Cartridges

Janis from The Wood

Canon 512 Black X Two

Canon 513 Colour X Four

Coioy 513 X Two

Coioy 512 X one
View more
Canon 512 Black X Two

Canon 513 Colour X Four

Coioy 513 X Two

Coioy 512 X one

$25.00 each for colour
$20.00 each black

Ph 021947626


1656 days ago

Do you worry about how sea level rise will affect your home?

Katy Jones Reporter from The Nelson Mail

Some people are selling their coastal homes as sea-levels rise, worried their insurance will rise, and property price will drop. Others are buying beachfront properties with the view climate change won't have a real impact in their lifetime. Are you in either camp?

1657 days ago

4wd mitsi triton. For sale

Barry from Stoke

05 d/cab 2.8 diesel turbo d/cab week.for sale silver. Very tidy

1676 days ago

Face masks medical grade supplies to your door

Craig from

Proud to be Kiwi we are supporting our NZ communities by delivering certified face masks, touch free dispensers and locally made quality hand sanitizer.
Check us out at or email

1656 days ago

Meet our 2020 Houseplant Hero!

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Congratulations to King George Diones , who wins $500 worth of Yates products and $300 worth of Kings Plant Barn vouchers. This surgical nurse in Auckland propagates and sells houseplants. He is currently giving all profits to colleagues in the Philippines to buy PPE.

1656 days ago

Having certainty inspires confidence

Ernest Rutherford Retirement Village

When you choose a Ryman village, you're set. Our Peace of Mind Guarantees are designed to protect you, so whatever the future holds, we've got your back.

Having certainty inspires confidence. It's just one of the ways we're pioneering a new way of living for a new retirement … View more
When you choose a Ryman village, you're set. Our Peace of Mind Guarantees are designed to protect you, so whatever the future holds, we've got your back.

Having certainty inspires confidence. It's just one of the ways we're pioneering a new way of living for a new retirement generation.

1656 days ago

Anyone can be Nymbl

The Team from ACC New Zealand

Now you can get better balance, in the comfort and safety of your own home, with Nymbl - the easy-to-use smartphone app.

Nymbl gives you simple body movements, combined with brain challenges like trivia, to really improve your balance.

It’s fun and only takes only 10 minutes a day.

Get… View more
Now you can get better balance, in the comfort and safety of your own home, with Nymbl - the easy-to-use smartphone app.

Nymbl gives you simple body movements, combined with brain challenges like trivia, to really improve your balance.

It’s fun and only takes only 10 minutes a day.

Get Nymbl now, for free. Just go to
Register now

1657 days ago


Brendon from Stoke

Wanting to purchase a 3 bedroom house in Richmond ; prefer close to schools ,price wise $ $540000. I am a private buyer for myself and my 3 Children Not a investor.
ph 02108208349.
Please ring or txt only .

1657 days ago

Video Cassettes

Jim from Hira

I'm having a tidy up and have unearthed 50 plus pre recorded video cassettes. Rather an eclectic mix, mainly films recorded from the TV, mostly circa 1990's onward.

I'm reluctant to dump them so if anyone can use them or know where I can appropriately recycle them, I'd be … View more
I'm having a tidy up and have unearthed 50 plus pre recorded video cassettes. Rather an eclectic mix, mainly films recorded from the TV, mostly circa 1990's onward.

I'm reluctant to dump them so if anyone can use them or know where I can appropriately recycle them, I'd be grateful.

Many thanks.

Jim 03 5390500 022 5390977

