Stepneyville, Nelson

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1526 days ago

Free range eggs for sale

Sally from Nelson South

Free range eggs for sale, fresh everyday, 027 408 5793

Price: $6.50

1526 days ago

Looking for a Home of our own - First Home Buyers

Marcia from The Wood

Young couple - We are looking for a 2 -3 bedroom home in Nelson and will also look at Stoke and Richmond.
For a chat please call or text Jonny or Melissa on 021 268 2167
Thank you

1527 days ago

Catering spread boxes.

Ally from Nelson South

Hi, is there anyone out there who works in a catering establishment and have access to the large catering 'margarine' tubs? I'm looking for about 10 or so, more if possible. Thanks in anticipation.Ally 😊


1527 days ago

Gold fish wanted

Sally from Nelson South

Gold fish wanted 027 408 5793


1547 days ago

Slower and safer drive between Nelson and Blenheim from now on.

Carly Gooch Reporter from The Nelson Mail

Today marks the end of 100km limits on SH6 between Nelson and Blenheim, replaced by reduced limits ranging from 60km to 90km. How do you feel about the changes?

1527 days ago

Free range eggs for sale

Sally from Nelson South

Free range eggs for sale, fresh everyday, $6.50 dozen. 027 408 5793

Price: $6.50

1533 days ago

New year, old freedom camper tricks.

Carly Gooch Reporter from The Nelson Mail

It may be a new year but it's still the same old conundrum about freedom campers and whether they're a blessing or a curse. Two spots in Golden Bay, Waitapu Bridge and Taupata Point have been officially dropped from the freedom camping list but they continue to attract overnight stayers. … View moreIt may be a new year but it's still the same old conundrum about freedom campers and whether they're a blessing or a curse. Two spots in Golden Bay, Waitapu Bridge and Taupata Point have been officially dropped from the freedom camping list but they continue to attract overnight stayers. What are your thoughts on freedom campers, should we be catering to them, are there benefits to them or should we be discouraging it?

1528 days ago

Wanted life ring.

Richard Neighbourly Lead from Stoke

Hi all I'm looking for an old life ring like the one in the picture. Free if someone wants to get rid of it or im willing to pay

1528 days ago

Happy New Year!

The Team Reporter from NZ House & Garden

We hope you’ve managed to enjoy the break, or if you’ve had to work through, that you get some time off soon. We’ve been dreaming of relaxing at this colourful retro Kāpiti bach which features in our January issue. It’s the perfect sanctuary for its Wellington owners, who find themselves … View moreWe hope you’ve managed to enjoy the break, or if you’ve had to work through, that you get some time off soon. We’ve been dreaming of relaxing at this colourful retro Kāpiti bach which features in our January issue. It’s the perfect sanctuary for its Wellington owners, who find themselves unwinding as soon as they walk through its front gate. Where's your favourite place to unwind over the summer?

1528 days ago

Have you protected your home against external fire?

Katy Jones Reporter from The Nelson Mail

Residents St Arnaud are told not to rely on fire crews to evacuate them, after lessons from the Lake Ōhau wildfire, and with predictions of more days of extreme fire risk due to climate change. Locals are urged to "firesmart" their homes, and replace vegetation with less flammable plants… View moreResidents St Arnaud are told not to rely on fire crews to evacuate them, after lessons from the Lake Ōhau wildfire, and with predictions of more days of extreme fire risk due to climate change. Locals are urged to "firesmart" their homes, and replace vegetation with less flammable plants but some villagers want more firebreaks near the village. Do you think enough is being done to protect vulnerable communities from wildfire?

1528 days ago

The benefits of low E double glazing

Chris Soutar from Soutar-able Glass

Low E glass has a invisible coating that is designed to let light in and reflect heat back into your home reducing heat loss.
When made into a double glazed unit it is a great solution for a warm cozy home in winter,keeping the warmth of your home in and the cold out,it also virtually … View more
Low E glass has a invisible coating that is designed to let light in and reflect heat back into your home reducing heat loss.
When made into a double glazed unit it is a great solution for a warm cozy home in winter,keeping the warmth of your home in and the cold out,it also virtually eliminates damp windows with less internal condensation.a warmer dry home means less heating costs and less power bills.
Low E glass can also reduce solar gain keeping your home cool and comfortable in hot weather.
For a free quote on double glazing
Call Chris 021642428
Below pictures of wooden double glazed retro in process .

1529 days ago

Polaris SL700 Jetski

Richard Neighbourly Lead from Stoke

1997 Polaris SL700"

Lenth 2.68 Meters"

78 hp @ 6250 RPM"

Case Reed Water Cooled/Water Injected
View more
1997 Polaris SL700"

Lenth 2.68 Meters"

78 hp @ 6250 RPM"

Case Reed Water Cooled/Water Injected

Two Person"

9.8 US Gal Reserve Tank 2.5 US Gal

Preformance Cruising Range At Full Throttle Is 50 Miles Rr 80.45 kms

Reserve Tank Is 15 Minutes

New fire extinguisher

It's got a New impeller

I brought it off an ex merchanic who had rebuilt it and he had done around two hours on it before I brought it. So I don't have paperwork apart from the manual. I did around an hour on it and I'm a petrol head and it love fast things but it scared me that's how fast it goes so I brought it home, cleaned it, winterisd it got all the water out of the system so water wasn't still in the cooling system and put it away. Will get new rego and wof when it sells for new owner.
I'd like 3000 firm as I've dropped i already.

Price: $3,000

1531 days ago

Double glazing

Chris from Stoke

Free measure and quote .
Double glazing wooden and aluminum retro fit.
Good rates.
Done on site town or country .
Friendly service 39 years of experience.
All your double glazing or other glass needs happy to help.
Call Chris 021642428

1532 days ago

Save the Maitai

Tony from Maitai

Save the Maitai petition now has over 10,100 signatures and is still growing. For full information on who we are and why we have come together, please visit

1532 days ago

Exterior and Roof Repaint

nick walter from ADDO Painting

Complete exterior and roof repaint completed on schedule for Christmas
